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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:30:53 Edit(编辑)
Female school students met on the eve of Shenzhen Telecom fraud, cheated millions still believe,

Female school students met on the eve of Shenzhen Telecom fraud, cheated millions still believe,(深圳女学生开学前夕遇电信诈骗,被骗上百万仍深信不疑,)



Female school students met on the eve of Shenzhen Telecom fraud, cheated millions still believe-Telecom fraud-IT information

@ South Hill police microblog said recently, Shenzhen, one going to study abroad student encounter fraud, deception amounted to millions. Criminals posing as police officers, the victim "suspicion of money laundering" and "gun trade" by, and requested her to submit a higher bond. After the victim fall into the trap, but for various reasons swindled out of millions.

Cheater how tricked girls huge amounts of money on?

Police say such cases have occurred frequently, fraud means the same. Crime victim personal information obtained through illegal channels, and then pretending to be a police officer calls the victim calls to victim's identity stolen, suspected of money-laundering, terrorism and other crimes, could be arrested at any time for the victims of panic by telephone to control the victim.

Then told the victim that "the only way to prove innocence", is to pay a security deposit or the victim transferred to "safe account", and essentially transfer all funds in the account to defraud victims suspect accounts.

A quarter of school, fraudsters began eyeing it, evil directed against ethnic students. A few days ago, Shandong after a college freshman to be cheat 9900 Yuan tuition fees, due to excessive faint sad death. Heartbreaking, but also reminded students and parents, school season is a high risk period for various types of network telecommunications fraud must be vigilant, so as not to be deceived.

Be alert!

College Freshmen beware 8 tricks

深圳女学生开学前夕遇电信诈骗,被骗上百万仍深信不疑 - 电信诈骗 - IT资讯

据@南山公安 微博发布消息称,近日,深圳一名准备出国留学的女学生遭遇诈骗,被骗金额高达上百万。犯罪分子冒充警官,以事主“涉嫌洗钱”和“枪支贸易”为由,要求事主交高额保证金。在事主落入陷阱后,更是先后以各种理由骗取了上百万。







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