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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:24:01 Edit(编辑)
CCTV jieduan fraud chain: click on link,

CCTV jieduan fraud chain: click on link,(央视揭短信诈骗产业链:点开链接就中招,)



CCTV jieduan fraud chain: click on link-online banking, fraud-IT information

Although it is a cliché, but IT information small series or will IT please the information users note that strange links of SMS do not believe, even if it is recognized as the official number needs confirmation link, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Text link you will leave? CCTV said the Anhui people, Sun received an unknown number of text messages, wrote his name in the message, and says "you pay attention to this, append a link", and finally his friend's name, Sun points to open the link. But in less than half an hour, Mr Sun receive SMS notification of the Bank, his bank cards being produced 7 consumption record and nearly 2400 Yuan consumption records. At this time, Sun realized that he had caught.

Police arrest a suspect Telecom fraud suspects in recent days, according to his confession, cheats after bulk SMS with a link with the virus victims once you click the link to download, cheats can control the phone, find a SMS with a bank card number, through internal staff query ID number, even telephone, the user's online banking is likely to be a liar just brush.

In essence, the virus should be on Android phones as effective. Its essence is using Android phone packages installed free patterns, click on the link to download the APP after install, users open software will automatically send a text message to an acquaintance, then get this message finds the bank card number, phone number, use the internal inquiries to banks of personal information other personal information, followed by money-laundering ... ...

Among them, the six types of SMS fraudsters tried:

1, this is the last time the party photos, good precious pictures, you will quickly open and have a look. Links: XXXX.

2, you should have done such a thing, it is impossible to forgive. Links: XXXX.

3, this is the day you x x x records traffic violations, see. Links: XXXX.

Hello, 4, parents, and schools ' performance information this is the semester, please check! Links: XXXX.

5, was quietly concerned about you, click to find out. Links: XXXX.

6, this is your husband/wife outside room records, have pictures to prove it! Links: XXXX.

This type of scam text messages based on social hot gimmick, but invariably short links in the text, it is the key to such scams, links hidden in the Trojan horse virus, Mr SUEN is the virus.

If you have the habit of casual connections, advice is to install anti-virus software, anti-virus software to get permission before they can be reminded of avoid the tragedy.

央视揭短信诈骗产业链:点开链接就中招 - 网银,诈骗 - IT资讯














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