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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:56:45 Edit(编辑)
Will return to stay in the SFC respond to hearsay: the market has questioned

Will return to stay in the SFC respond to hearsay: the market has questioned(证监会回应中概股回归暂缓传闻:市场对此有质疑,)



Will return to stay in the SFC respond to rumors: market have questioned-SFC shares, 360-IT information

On May 6, early this morning,IT news its proposed suspension of listed companies in the domestic news , the message said the move could limit will return to the domestic borrowing, restructurings, IPO. Affected by this news, 360, Mo Mo is privatization of enterprises shares fell. Now, the SFC official response to "suspension of listed companies in the domestic" rumors.

Advised that have noticed public opinion, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, has 5 red-chip companies nearly three years through m to return to a-share listing , markets have questions about, think back a share of such enterprises have greater specificity, the Commission also notes that significant price differences inside and outside, shell resources hype prevails. These enterprises through the IPO, landed the m's a-share markets may impact the ongoing in-depth analysis and research .

Some analysts pointed out that, "no does not mean you cannot encourage backdoor borrowing, may share some specific requirements, such as after the reunification must be at least one full fiscal year be allowed back-door, or are differentiated by industry, does not encourage non-enterprise back in the real economy. "Some sources say, the SFC had discussed privatization of shares in higher premiums, return part time again premium problems, consider whether you want to qualify your backdoor.

It is reported that the shares fell today mainly due to the rumors that the SFC proposed suspension of listed companies in the domestic news, other factors have little effect.

证监会回应中概股回归暂缓传闻:市场对此有质疑 - 证监会,中概股,360 - IT资讯





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