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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:55:51 Edit(编辑)
China’s black market in personal information under “naked“: legislation to protect short-term difficult to achieve,

China’s black market in personal information under “naked“: legislation to protect short-term difficult to achieve,(中国黑市交易下个人信息“裸奔”:立法保护短期难实现,)



China's black market in personal information under "naked": legislation to protect short-term difficult to achieve legal, privacy, telecommunication scams-IT information

Girl Xu Yuyu encounters in linyi, Shandong Telecom fraud, again triggered public panic in disclosure of personal information. The age of big data, personal information protection legislation is not perfect, personal data in "naked."

Present data industry has become a sweet pastry, encourage open data at the national level, data security and privacy protection needs to be normative.

The past two years, legislation on personal information, from all walks of life call for many. At national level, however, push is not fast. In accordance with the legislative procedure, issued a law is unlikely in the short term, a number of large industry officials suggested that local practice, Central common Scout standard legislation.

Data black market under the transparent people

The age of big data, big data the value of more and more attention.

2015 China promulgated by the Internet Society of China Internet users ' rights protection investigation report shows that 78.2% personally identifiable information of Internet users had been leaked, 63.4% of the online activities of Internet users information is divulged, for personal information disclosure of Internet users, spam, fraudulent information resulted in the total loss of some 80.5 billion yuan.

Enter the mobile Internet age, more production and exposure of personal data every day.

White-collar Wang up running open round in the morning, breakfast with micro-payments, opened for work drops, open Internet micro-blogging, micro-circle, lunch takeaway, Taobao buy single socks. The day, personal health, home, mobile route, telephone, address, gender and weight, eating habits, even identity card numbers were exposed to the platform.

Based on these data, platforms of our personal data. Businesses based on Wang's information, accurate posting ads, doing interconnection financial credit, or sell data.

According to media reports, the end of 2015, the Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court on strategic cooperation with Alibaba group, Taobao platforms data lock any such useful phone numbers and addresses, shipping address legal documents sent to Taobao, improving throughput. In addition, Ali platform available to Zhejiang High Court huge amounts of data, on the left in the platform data of persons involved in a lawsuit to draw "portrait", including identity, contact information, consumer data, and so on.

Data, most popular is Apple. In 2014, the Apple event exposed the back door, admitted secretly gets user information by class-action lawsuits. Earlier this year, Apple announced to the world the United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) attempts to monitor Apple users, said an open letter "to protect user data, FBI we dare to refuse."

"Through the black market you can buy data is no secret messages. "A large enterprise in Zhongguancun executives, mainly refers to the law expressly prohibits data black market trading of some data, there are currently several laws explicitly customer privacy data, is not allowed to publish, some laws do not explicitly, but on a moral level are not allowed on public data.

The executives said personal flying records, and data communications operators, China UnionPay data, most can be bought through the black market.

A telecom operator Middle told the 21st century business Herald reporter, platform specification for protection of personal data, their use of your personal data and transactions, desensitization process will be taken, but some small platforms would be hard to say, even if personal data is sold, and is difficult to obtain evidence and human rights defenders.

He is a case study of an e-commerce platform vendor, shopping leads to trafficking of personal information, and how accountability platform and seller responsibilities, the law is not clear, and it is difficult to obtain evidence.

Operator Executive said a big data, do data transactions from their current experience, although there exist black markets, but overall the data transactions standardized and formalized way is still relatively safe. At present, data transactions should be allowed to fly for a while, regulations will gradually improve in the practice.

Short-term legislation at the national level difficult to achieve

21st century business Herald reporters comb found that China's relevant laws and regulations of the criminal law amendment (seven), tort law, identity card law concerning protection of personal information in addition, China's Constitution, the General principles of civil law, civil procedure law, criminal procedure law, also some more general personal information protection requirements.

But laws are not clear about the concept, the legislative provisions scattered; levels vary, most effective levels are not high; poor adaptability, not system problems such as incomplete.

During the two sessions this year, Governor of the people's Bank of China branch in Hangzhou Yin Xingshan accept 21st century business Herald said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, the NPC should speed up the "personal information protection law" of the legislative process, chapter on the protection of personal financial information as stipulated, the protection of personal financial information rises to the height of national law.

He also suggested that, taking into account the reality of a long legislative process and standardize the management of demand, in the current conditions, may be formulated by the State Council, China's "personal information protection regulations" when conditions are ripe, then upgraded to a law.

On August 24, the central network Office, State administration of quality supervision, the national standards committee jointly issued a circular on strengthening national cybersecurity standardization of opinions, proposed to carry out critical information infrastructure protection, security reviews, industrial control system security, data security, personal data protection, network security information sharing standards development work.

In large data driven by the gold rush, nearly two years at the local level is also exploring personal privacy protection. Earlier this year, Guizhou province, Guizhou province, through the development and application of large data facilitate the Ordinance, as China's first large local regulations is considered to have significance to large data into the orbit of rule of law.

It is regrettable that this regulation focuses on encouraging local industrial park built, about data privacy and security, as well as data transactions, there is no particular.

Recently, the Shanghai trading center has released the personal data protection principles, another local regulations, referring to safeguard the legitimate interests of the data subject.

Xiaoweibing, associate professor at the Shanghai University College of law, said current domestic studies is not mature, future directions are not clear, legislation could not walk in front of the practice and legislation at national level is not clear, in sensitive areas where breakthrough more difficult.

Data Research Institute of Tsinghua University Executive Vice President Han Yishun told the 21st century business Herald press, open data and the protection of personal data privacy, recommended that the district try went behind the legislation in practice.

中国黑市交易下个人信息“裸奔”:立法保护短期难实现 - 法律,隐私,电信诈骗 - IT资讯




























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