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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/11 10:47:18 Edit(编辑)
How large the gap between server and IBM in China? ,

How large the gap between server and IBM in China? ,

How large the gap between our servers and IBM?
-IBM, domestic servers, servers-IT news How large the gap between our servers and IBM?

As domestic financial institutions to computerization, networking, financial institutions, information technology (IT) system has become a gold mine. Statistics show that banks, securities and insurance major financial institutions every year of IT equipment, software and services over the multi-billion-dollar purchase orders, banking IT solution market size 2015 alone is expected to exceed the billions of dollars.

However, the mine was almost monopolized by overseas giants, including IOE--, IBM, Oracle (Oracle) and EMC companies in high-end models, and software services occupied the commanding heights. Chinese brands Huawei, tide, UF, despite efforts from the side of the company involved, also occupied a certain market, but instead has to go.

Multi-billion dollar purchase orders

Despite rumors of IBM servers have been deprecated in Chinese banking intensified, but just last week, still has big, State-owned bank customers choose to purchase IBM servers.

"Last week, a State-owned bank branch in Ningxia also purchased our x86 servers. "Supply chain management sector requested anonymity, IBM told securities times said.

Directory of purchasing securities times, according to the people with roughly 1 brokerages May alone, large 3 State-owned bank's provincial branches, 2 national shareholding banks, as well as 5 regional city commercial banks and other financial institutions purchased IBM's low-end servers.

It's only domestic financial institution is required to a fraction of the IBM purchase orders. The international information industry research firm IDC report said, early in 2010, overall IT investment banking to 59.57 billion yuan in which hardware products (including IT hardware, and network devices) reach 39.3 billion yuan, accounting for 66% put, prototyping software product reached 4.11 billion yuan, IT services to 16.16 billion yuan.

Accompanied by the expansion of the new Bank, 2012, overall IT investment banking rose to 66.96 billion yuan. IDC estimated that by 2017, banking global IT market will reach 116.32 billion yuan in 2013, 12.1% ~2017-year compound annual growth rate.

Industry insiders estimate if calculated on brokers, funds, insurance and other financial sub-sectors, the entire financial industry's annual IT purchasing order size have more than hundreds of billions. Yongyou financial company President Li you had said current annual financial institutions software services alone has around 70 billion yuan market scale, hardware and software and the financial sector overall potential market at between 100 billion and 200 billion dollars.

Guarding the billions of gold, occupy the commanding heights of the high-end models of domestic financial institutions and software services, is an international supplier of IT equipment IBM, EMC storage device company and a leader in business software giant Oracle, which the big three.

Sadie think tank analyst Zhang Weili said, core software and hardware to foreign monopolies in the financial sector, the financial sector is highly dependent on foreign manufacturers, financial services outsourcing information systems disaster recovery and emergency response capacity and low risk control levels of the banking system problems, serious threats to the financial sector information security.

High-end technology or have a 10-year gap

"In banking, first think of the IT sector equipment purchased was IBM, which has a habit of thought. "A head joint-stock bank customer service system of securities times said that both security and stability considerations, there are institutional and historical reasons.

"In terms of technology development, IBM high-end machine in the difficult alternatives, compared with its domestic brands, said a difference of 10 years to life . "The official said, the gap is mainly embodied in the stability and usability.

" Couldn't draw level with overseas of domestic server. Comparison of requirements for security, speed, reliability, high in industries such as financial services, airline ticketing industry, domestic server either in throughput, continuous calculation of load capacity, upgrade and easy there are small gaps. "Another source in the Purchasing Department, describing the disparity between the two.

One industry source said the IBM mainframes in 60 of the last century was the company invested heavily in research and development of products, and based on years of experience in mainframe sales, according to the customer's business requirements to the product's technology mention higher standards. If you are only now beginning to develop domestic mainframes to meet current business needs, and will take a long time and money, but also difficult to succeed.

Securities securities who declined to be named told Times reporter, will replace foreign brand with a domestic brand costs could not be simpler to quantify in terms of hardware price.

"Replace involved not just hardware replacement, as well as habits of the entire operating system migrations. Like IBM, Oracle and other vendors, their machines are often equipped with a proprietary operating system, set up specialized data analysis, storage and calculations. "This person said," as soon as replacement for domestic server, financial institutions are equivalent to the need to adapt to a new way, it's going to be a long process. ”

Wave information Shenzhen district head Wang Qingbao said, China of information more Europe national lag, main reflected in two points: a is abroad of hardware supply manufacturers is early began note software products of supporting built, annually spent large funding hired professional persons development soft, do package solution programme provides commercial of ideas is by foreign brand with into China of; second, abroad of hardware manufacturers formed has strong of industry chain collaborative, and China of hardware manufacturers more for points on points singles alone bucket, For the entire upstream and downstream industry chain of control weak .

In fact, some Chinese-made servers on foreign brands in the technology following State. Huawei business sales personnel who declined to be named told the securities times, Huawei's high-end server OEM (OEM) from IBM.

Localization of low-end machines to speed up

According to the securities Times newspaper reporter, while mainframes and high-end technology was a wide gap between domestic and international firms, but small hosts, personal computers, servers, blade servers and other fields, Chinese brands Huawei, the tide slowly catch up with; in the field of software services, now there is UF finance, company, Hangzhou sunyard, Wanda, a large number of developers in the middle of the Ming dynasty.

Banking customer service call system, for example, mostly products of the past few years banking with AVAYA, Cisco now domestically produced brands, such as Huawei, sunyard, Neusoft has cut into the market. Such as China Merchants Bank, ping an Bank launched a cooperation with Huawei.

"Phone call system to a higher degree of risk tolerance, this piece of domestic machines and services can meet the requirements. "Using Huawei Technologies securities times said people in the banking sector, there are three reasons to choose Huawei first switches cheaper, followed by more integrated software can start, third, after-sales service departments in the country.

Benefits of domestic brands are being accepted more financial institutions. Reportedly, domestic maximum of banking management software supplier UF financial once replaced has a State big line using has ten years of Oracle financial system, currently began occupy insurance, and securities market; Ming million up and CITIC Bank, and livelihood Bank, has started network data security aspects of cooperation; in core hardware equipment Shang, 2012 five big State Bank on server, equipment of tender in expanded range, CCB and ABC and dawn information industry company started has cooperation.

Global IT research firm Gartner's latest report showed that first quarter of 2014, the wave server shipments reached 80929, rose 288.7%, 19% market share, ranked first in China, global markets v.

Securities Times reporter was informed that the current wave of banking clients include China Construction Bank, the China export and Import Bank, Bank of China Development Bank, Dalian, Luoyang, and so on. "Postal savings bank's electronic banking system is in our K1 runs on the server, we are now planning the next issue more in-depth cooperation. "Wave information local official Wang Qingbao said.

In the insurance industry, along the lower end of IT construction, plus the width of the trend of development. More buy the IT departments of companies such as IBM, HP products, are now more inclined to use domestically produced alternative high-end blade servers, personal computers, server products, by increasing the number of methods to meet the demand in order to reduce costs.

Along with this process, Huawei, wave penetration into the insurance industry. A listed insurance companies, information technology department head, the company and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement, companies of the future will have more cooperation in the integrated device and application development.

Industry recently that "the banks of IBM", although it may provide the opportunity to seize the IOE market to domestic companies, but industry insiders say, IT procurement market practices by financial institutions, support the China cannot rely on the instruction window, is now more urgent to establish a more comprehensive security review mechanism, through the national security review of the product can be assured that use.

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