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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:25:10 Edit(编辑)
2016, reticulocyte broadcast year

2016, reticulocyte broadcast year(2016,网红直播年,)



2016, net red live year-net red, live-IT information

Year of 2016 is the live commercial application, with the participation of celebrities, stars and brand companies, a large number of live mobile video platform achieved great development. Webcast content means the productivity of a major revolution. Revolution took place for the first time in more than 10 years ago, when the UGC (user-generated content) emerging, blog broke the monopoly of the portal site, two community and portal of the world. Now, the UGC by the blog post "evolution" into Live mobile video mobile live video to break the monopoly of the video portal, showing a thriving development scene.

The market "cake" is not

Influx of broadcast areas of substantial growth in venture capital, according to incomplete statistics, famous investment in broadcast platform 2013 approximately 170 million yuan in 2014, about 790 million Yuan, while the 2015 rose to 2.37 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate at around 300%. With falling prices of mobile phones, traffic falling prices, development of broadband speeds, as well as live entertainment platform, live will become a killer business applications. China Securities research report that the 2015 broadcast industry with 12 billion yuan market scale, AI media advisory report that broadcast market size of about 9 billion yuan. As can be seen, including advertising, webcast, value-added services such as market size has reached tens of billions of Yuan level. AI Media Advisory published data show that China Webcast platform users to 200 million, large live platform online close to 4 million daily during peak periods at the same time, simultaneously broadcast live more than 3,000 rooms. From a long-term perspective, network live mode or will evolve into a video conversation, room for further expansion of the market. According to China Securities expects future Webcast marketing users, platforms, categories, liquidated and so further development in 2020, the webcast market will exceed 100 billion yuan. According to founder securities expected 2016 broadcast market will reach 15 billion yuan, 2020 broadcast market scale will reach 60 billion yuan.

But competition from the industry point of view, we need to be alert. Tencent Research Institute figures show that number of broadcasting platforms in the nearly two years after the industry overall approach "waterline" competition "Red Sea". According to the data of the Ministry of culture, announced in April, domestic network live about 200 enterprises, this number is still growing. In other words, there are more than more than 200 platforms vying for 200 million users, competition is not fierce. Assuming 2016 market could reach 15 billion yuan, and each platform's share of less than 100 million Yuan on average, market fragmentation is very serious. "Cake" smaller "customers" more industry consolidation is coming.

High costs "leftover" less

Live platform's main sources of income include advertising, value-added services, membership billing, e-commerce guide, such as some games and sport platform also provides match quiz, and more. Currently, advertising and value-added services are the core of live platform revenue model. In terms of value added services, mainly playing tour into the cost of. Network live broadcast platform casts and fans provide a platform for anchor in broadcast platform to provide an experience sharing or content such as talent shows, relying on fans of Red tips or virtual gifts to gain income. On the distribution of profit and revenue accounted for 60% of the platform.

Webcast operation requires the server, bandwidth costs and the high cost of human resources. Live all the information in the data storage and transmission in the cloud requires a large number of servers and bandwidth to support, CDN one only, according to the industry standard, assuming a peak number of 1 million, consume 1M per person, minimum bandwidth of 1T (1T=1024G), 1T market price is about 20 million Yuan a month.

Well-known gaming esports anchor stole a sought-after resources in major platforms, anchor price is soaring. Platform and anchorman of the famous game of cooperation are huge amount of base salary and divided into mode. According to media reports in February of this year, "Goddess" Miss signing Tiger, earning up to 30 million Yuan. Due to the high operating cost of live, bandwidth and other basic technical inputs is very large, hired well-known anchors also have very large costs, many platforms at a loss. Live streaming platform approach appears to be diverse, but mainly relies on value-added services, business model is single, live platform of profitability is still not satisfactory.

High costs, has decided to live as "nobles toys." In accordance with the law of the Internet industry, and number of platforms that can survive in the broadcast industry could be further reduced to less than 3. Live is "burning money" industries, in line with the "throwing money" rule: small money big money, fast money slow, who who won more money. Under the capital contributed, betta TV broadcast industry emerged, the United States and other "Unicorn" platform. "Burning" out before hundreds of millions of dollars of investment, those start-ups and early stage platform, in addition to the show "play" feelings, what will be left?

Live the future of

Webcast platform if they can seize the future trend, naturally easy to occupy a dominant position in the future. Future trends include: celebrities, commercial, mobile, short video.

Red live platform not only helped popularize a number of grass-roots network, more and more celebrities and stars began to live in the past. Smooth enough footage, color ordinary scenes, free chat atmosphere, more "Fireworks" make fans feel as if from the stars near the lot. Stars want to live platform to show kindness to increase popularity, or for some specific needs, the most common is to promote brands, shows, TV series and other network live broadcast platform is hoping the star's popularity as a platform to bring traffic. Live platform with the participation of celebrities, stars, mutual benefit and win-win "micro live" sales will become a trend, there will also be more brands to pay for it.

Personal indoor and outdoor performances and games live as a representative of life live entered a period of stable, commercial broadcasting concern. On May 25, Lei finished live first product launch in the history of domestic enterprises. Lei said in a live broadcast: "cell phone live this great era. This way, with a new interactive way, want entrepreneurs to play a game. "On May 27, Wang Jianlin Panda live broadcast platform in the day, including scenes of their landlords in the private jet, caused many users concerned. Current live platform is still in early stages, need to further enhance the functionality and stability of the product in the future, to meet the demand for real-time video conferencing.

To the mobile broadcast industry development is a foregone conclusion. With the development of mobile trend, a veteran broadcast platforms have been offering mobile, there are many more mobile broadcast applications. Mobile video from 2012 start in 2014, more than PC video mobile use side of the network, and becomes the user's preferred way by October 2015, the proportion of users watch online video on mobile phones has reached down to 54.2% of the 76.7%,PC-end user. Live streaming platform to mobile transfer in line with their development needs and mobile product development more difficult than PC low end products. Mobile live scenes on the liberated PC side restrictions, go to where you can live, variety of outdoor live thus came into being.

Under pressure from costs of network traffic, live to mobile development trends, created short video applications. According to media reports, in May 2014, the short video community "beauty shot" line. At present, more than 140 million users, growing even faster than Facebook and instagram. Short video conforms to the current fast pace of browsing habits can save time for users, saving energy and flow; shooting process simple, watch for only a few seconds, after uploading do not need to wait for transcoding or watch commercials, save time and upload capacity is very small memory footprint, easy to spread and download.

While the current broadcast of vertical exploration has just started, in the industry at the edge, however, live features may become like a blog site, "standard", and is expected to become a mainstream marketing. We wouldn't mind now appears "anchors for all", "all live" spectacle, it's just a matter of time, because of platforms full of video, there is no escape.

2016,网红直播年 - 网红,直播 - IT资讯

















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