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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:47:52 Edit(编辑)
Mystery man second police breaking passwords, but do not know who you are,

Mystery man second police breaking passwords, but do not know who you are,(神秘男子秒破警局密码,却不知道自己是谁,)



Mystery man password seconds broke the police station, but did not know who they are-amnesia-IT information

"Who am I? "A young man in Shenzhen are thinking about this every day, he is not a philosopher, but as a man suffering from amnesia.

He did not know his name, but know English, can break your computer passwords, and five typing techniques professional or even an understanding of mathematics and physics. In 2014, he was sent to rescue stations in Shenzhen City, and stayed there for two years, he had awakened mind, went to Merlin police station, hope that the police can help him find family members as soon as possible, find out who he really is.

Codenamed "anonymous-2014-08-19"

On July 18, the reporter saw the amnesia in the meilin, Futian District, police men, he looked under the age of 30, height between 165 cm to 168 cm, body lean, dressed in a yellow basketball uniforms dirty, greasy and messy hair and back slightly bent, mental status looks good, just a little sluggish.

Asked about the call, and he was frowning, pale and some painfully said: "well, I don't know, shelter people do not call my name. "" What do they call you? "" Anonymous-2014-08-19. "Anonymous names unknown on his behalf, behind the numbers is to enter the shelter, the two together is his number in the station, but later became one of his nicknames.

Just joined the rescue station, he can't even remember his own appearance. "The first look in the mirror, the mirror appears to be a completely strange face", he closed his eyes and said, "before 2014 memories gone, my mind is like a blank wall. "He admits that now, after all the memories are in shelters, there are occasional scenes into his mind, but he was not sure that was before memory is to make the picture.

He remembers two place names: "hanzheng Street" and "three islands". He knew came to Shenzhen need a permit also say exactly 10 years ago, the Mayor of Shenzhen, who is, but can't remember who you are.

Why chose this time to come out looking for family? He said before his mind is not very clear, now to recover some memories, do not want to stay in the shelters, self-reliance, trying to find the family, his ID card. Reporters noticed that he had a plastic pendant around your neck, ask that, that was picked up on his way, "I think it can help me to find my family. "Asked after the plan, he said:" I'm at the police station until the end of the month, the month no news I went out wandering, walk and find his family. ”

Men with higher education

The man's identity is very curious. Reporters found that in the course of conversation, he speaks with a Sichuan accent, namely clarity, accurate expression, language and logic are also strong, even for "function", "derivatives" and "calculus" which demonstrated understanding of mathematical terms. "He should have received higher education, at least junior college degree or above. "Police officer concluded. Social workers who have been in contact with men Dongmei agrees with the judge. Dongmei was computer education industry practitioners, she said, had their own computers to try him, found he could unlock the computer password, will play five strokes and was very professional, also known pro/E, 3Dmax, Photoshop and other software applications. "These professional software, most people will never know, he may have been previously engaged in related work. "Winter may said.

In addition, there is one detail is worth noting: the man seems to be very frightened. Civilian police reflect in the band when he went for blood DNA testing, he was resisting, got on the bus shuddered, even the seat belts are motionless, and demands on foot.

On his left leg has bean blue birthmark

It is understood that the man as early as 2014 to Merlin police station, when asked out valuable information, the police will be sent to a rescue station in Shenzhen City, and he has been staying in a shelter.

Reporters specially contact August 2014 at the police station on his patrol Kuang Lixiang. According to Kuang Lixiang introduction, is begging on the street when the man was found after pedestrians show Merlin police station, dressed in a yellow basketball uniforms, left leg about 4-inch piece of bean size blue birthmark.

Communications Kuang Lixiang found the man suffering from amnesia, "he only vaguely remembers a dark room and a revealing only a crack behind bars, prison meal comes in for a day, after tramping, remember after a few days, and said he would shoot, can swim, can also swim very far. "Through a number of simple tests, Kuang Lixiang found him typing on mobile phones, also recognize English words, magnetic induction to his physical aspect, he understands.

Reporters learned from the Merlin police station, the current station has extracted the DNA information of the man, is waiting for the results, will record the information library on the missing persons. Merlin also said police station, welcoming the public to provide clues and sources may contact the police directly.

神秘男子秒破警局密码,却不知道自己是谁 - 失忆 - IT资讯

















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