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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:15 Edit(编辑)
CCTV Luan read Li ù debate Moderator: see Dictionary

CCTV Luan read Li ù debate Moderator: see Dictionary(央视将六安读作liù安引热议,主持人:看字典,)



CCTV Luan read Li ù debate Moderator: dictionary-Luan, CCTV-IT information

Updated April 29/15:00 : by the Ministry of Civil Affairs Editor, China Cartographic Publishing House, published by the People's Republic of China administrative division of Jane book (2015) gave the correct answer is: "six (l ù)."

▲ The People's Republic of China administrative division of Jane book (2015) phonetic annotations for ' an in the "Lu'an Shi".

Luan city, Anhui Province, should be read as "six (l ù)" or "six (Li ù)"?

In recent days, CCTV news broadcast a report on public opinion caused by the pronunciation of geographical names hot again.

The night of April 27, CCTV news broadcast a report, the Director Guo Zhijian of "Luan" to read "six (Li ù)."

Subsequently, the friends very soon pointed out that Guo Zhijian reading is wrong, "Luan" should read "six (l ù).

In response, Guo Zhijian published April 28 12:55 Twitter responded by saying, "thanks to the public for ' Lu ' an ' pronunciation of geographical names concerned. For media workers, written pronunciation is based solely upon national authorities after validation of the dictionary, I believe we all understand at a glance. ”

In order to emphasize the "six (Li ù)" accuracy of pronunciation, Guo Zhijian in the micro-blog 4 attached photos of 6th Edition of the dictionary. Dictionary contents are displayed, the "six" only "(Li ù)" only one pronunciation.

However, there are still users put forward different views.

For example, user @ Sun Chongshi said in the message: "the original dictionary does have six (l ù) ' sound! But from the fifth edition of the Sixth Edition was published, cancelled six (l ù) ' pronunciation of the ... ... But in the list read ' six (l ù) '. ”

More Internet users cited Jia pingwa and Chen yinke, celebrity names, pronunciation of people, places, and the current dictionary.

In fact, the "six (l ù) Ann" read although not supported by existing dictionaries, but in local history, was able to find.

In March this year, Bi Xiaobin Liu the Mayor in an interview with People's Daily Online, it was said, Shun Feng Gao Tao Yuliu (l ù), Liu called the six. Luan names from more than 2,100 years ago, at that time, Emperor Wu after the calm disputes, take "six safety, never rebel" meaning, put Liu an, thus, Luan names continued to this day.

In addition, Bi Xiaobin also referred to the Nanjing city six (l ù) is often misread as six (Li ù) example.

Professor Wang Guanghan, the famous linguist, dictionary also supports this view. He said in an interview with the xinan evening news, the names are for local services, often is a matter of pronunciation. Pronunciation of place names to place, you cannot just cancel.

Interesting is that CCTV news officer Fang Weibo has also noticed this discussion, in its April 28 16:59 sent a Tweet to friends for advice, should read "l ù" or "Li ù".

@ CCTV news Twitter gives two pronunciations in detail their respective arguments: Anhui liuan city, to six local people (l ù), but present in the modern Chinese dictionary, Chinese dictionary of place names, "six" are not "l ù" phonetic. Said the emperor to take "six (l ù) safe, never rebel" meaning, named Liu, "l ù" pronunciation can be traced back to ancient times. What do you think six (l ù) or six (l ù)? Different reading of names, what do you know?

Also, @ CCTV news microblogging have also attached a picture of multiple Luan road signs, both the "Lu an", and "Liu an".

Users noted that this @ CCTV news in a Twitter message that supporting the "six (l ù) Ann" friends took an absolute majority, mostly referred to customs, dialect, and cultural reasons, only a handful of users agree to the dictionary as standard.

央视将六安读作liù安引热议,主持人:看字典 - 六安,央视 - IT资讯


▲《中华人民共和国行政区划简册(2015)》里六安市的拼音注释为“Lu'an Shi”。
















并且,@央视新闻微博还附上了多个六安路牌的照片,其中既有“lu an”,也有“liu an”。


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