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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:34:29 Edit(编辑)
Jingdong built low-altitude drone in Shaanxi logistics network: single load several tons,

Jingdong built low-altitude drone in Shaanxi logistics network: single load several tons,(京东在陕西建低空无人机物流网:单机载重数吨,)



Jingdong built low-altitude drone in Shaanxi logistics network: stand-alone deadweight tons-Jingdong-IT information

Jingdong drones deliver this test is accelerating.

? From left to right: Beijing East, Chief Executive, Liu, Lou qinjian, Party Secretary of Shaanxi Province and Shanxi Governor Hu Heping.

On February 21, the East Group (Nasdaq:JD) and the XI ' an, Shaanxi Provincial Government signed the strategic cooperation agreement on the construction of intelligent logistics system, announced that it would carry out based on intelligent logistics systems, unmanned aerial vehicle navigation system, rural electricity, cross-border e-commerce, Internet banking, traditional logistics system upgrade such cooperation.

As the agreement finalized, Beijing-Tokyo load large UAV program was exposed in a long battery life. The drones, deadweight tons, flying more than 300 km radius, is 10 times times the exposure before the drone.

Jingdong the drones will be used to create the world's first low-altitude drone General Aviation logistics network, first in Shaanxi Province, to achieve global coverage.

? February 21, East group and the Shaanxi Provincial Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement in constructing intelligent logistics system.

Last year's "double 11" period, zhangan district, Xian City, Shaanxi Province, West over the fan, a drone flying east m-series model to hover in the 1-meter-high location, left a parcel immediately after launch go, waiting for the delivery of rural distribution then open the parcel, a product sent to all households, was surprised by villagers around the scene.

? The evening of February 20, Liu appeared in Xian Muslim street. Xian news network

Delivery drone has sent more goods can be achieved, but not so much. In China's rural areas, express delivery costs are high in the mountains. With drones, Jingdong can send goods from the distribution station in villages and towns into the hands of rural promoters, followed by the promoters to the villagers. Each route after Jingdong adjustment to avoid crowded areas and power lines, as far as possible from farms in the shuttle.

Liu Jing dong Group Chief Executive, said, "with drones to build air logistics network, greatly reduces the cost of application, not only speeds up the logistics of goods down speed, will provide better for agricultural products of the upstream channel. ”

Worth noting is that East will be built in Shaanxi, Shaanxi Provincial Government support of UAV base, participation in shipping logistics airport construction and operation of Shaanxi Province. Jingdong will rely on cloud computing and data analysis skills, participate in Shaanxi Province, large data, navigation planning and logistics-related industries such as construction, and so on.

Cooperation between the two sides expected around 2020, achieve qianyiji industries, led million-level employment.

Jingdong drones already in Suqian, Xian and Beijing, while operational, flight clearances, and four province (exactly four yet to be released). Jingdong said cooperation with Shaanxi Province will build a model navigation network extended to China.

Chose in Shaanxi Province, Jingdong said the surging back, has an excellent location in Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi is China's aviation industry leader, research and development with a great deal of advantage in aircraft, also supported by the local government. Meanwhile, Xian is China natural geographical center, is the closest city to connect major cities in China.

Also revealed, the two sides will build a global unmanned logistics platforms, unmanned aerial vehicle engineering centre, smart logistics data center, China's low-altitude airspace integrated control platform for electrical contractor, Shaanxi Province agricultural products supply chain system, Beijing and eastern town of intelligent logistics navigation six platforms.

Among them, the unmanned logistics platform, not only to meet the logistics needs of UAV navigation, both agriculture, emergency response, data, decision support, and other functions. With Xian as the Center, you can choose multiple rotor, VTOL fixed-wing, airships, traditional fixed-wing models, creating a two-hour city delivery ecosystem.

京东在陕西建低空无人机物流网:单机载重数吨 - 京东 - IT资讯

















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