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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:15 Edit(编辑)
DOTA player was named after the era’s most influential 95:17 years old earn 15 million

DOTA player was named after the era’s most influential 95:17 years old earn 15 million(DOTA选手获评《时代》最具影响力95后:17岁赚1500万,)



DOTA player was named after of the era's most influential 95:17 years old earn 15 million-IT information

IT information news recently, United States times weekly selection of 2016 years 30 bit most with influence of youth list among appeared has one special of faces, he is United States EG war team DOTA2 career players Sumail, according to statistics, only 17 age of Sumail has was many honors and bonus, in 16 age into DOTA2 career circle Shi, Sumail on with EG war team won DAC Asia Invitational champion, and with skills hero blue cat a war fame.

In the same year TI5,Sumail and EG team won the highest honor TI DOTA2 champion. Sumail has now received more than $ 2.3 million in total prize money, about equivalent to 15.5 million Yuan, is currently competing in Pro, the youngest award the player with the best.

So far, he has won a $ 2.3 million bonus, and in 2014 for the parents and five brothers and sisters in the United States bought the House moved to the United States. The times spoke highly of Sumail as "professional earned $ 1 million, the youngest player on the field", and this is the 2015 international DOTA2 tournament EG take first place.

Although TI6 champion team not EG, Sumail victories are also very rich, TS4 champion, MDL2016 fall season special Championships, Frankfurt and Shanghai Championship, Sumail young has earned $ 2.3 million.

DOTA选手获评《时代》最具影响力95后:17岁赚1500万 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 近日,美国《时代周刊》评选的2016年30位最具影响力的青少年榜单当中出现了一位特殊的面孔,他就是美国EG战队DOTA2职业选手Sumail,据统计,年仅17岁的Sumail已经获许多荣誉和奖金,在16岁进入DOTA2职业圈时,Sumail就随EG战队拿下DAC亚洲邀请赛冠军,并凭借绝活英雄蓝猫一战成名。




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