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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 7:49:57 Edit(编辑)
Syria electronic Army: we also hacked off the eBay and PayPal,

Syria electronic Army: we also hacked off the eBay and PayPal,(叙利亚电子军:我们还黑掉了eBay和PayPal,)

Syria electronic Army: we also hacks into eBay and PayPal-eBay,PayPal, Syria e, SEA-IT information Syria electronic Army: we also hacks into eBay and PayPal

Notorious hacker groups "Syria e-army" (the SEA) has announced that on Saturday there were two well-known company's website and enter the scope of their victims: eBay and PayPal.

Attack the PayPal online payment service site may lead users to bank information disclosure, to SEA hacker said this is a "hack" is not targeted at bank account information. SEA said the Organization's success to eBay and PayPal in France, and Israel and the United Kingdom replaced the home page of your Logo.

"We do not want to attack people's accounts. "SEA says one member named Th3, the organization attacked eBay domain name management organization, and close to the site, and access leads to another server. The members said, SEA or multiple eBay and PayPal home page to show your Logo, lasted about 30 minutes.

PayPal Senior Director global initiative anuyi·nayaer (Anuj Nayar) says, "today, within a very short period of time, a small number of users access to United Kingdom, and France and India the eBay and PayPal Web page be redirected. The problem was quickly identified and resolved, no user data redirection is acquired, no user accounts were affected. We take user security and privacy very seriously and is actively investigating the source of the redirect for a short time. ”

SEA imposed by high profile hacker attack is known, its main objective is the Western media, mainly using phishing or fraudulent e-mail, or other methods to induce employees to click and enter sensitive login information. Although Th3 refused to spell out how eBay and PayPal Web site attacks, but for the SEA, he has adopted a more aggressive way than ever before. "PayPal uses a lot of certification tools, so the attack will need more advanced skills. ”

SEA said the attack was in retaliation for eBay and PayPal did not enter Syria market. Indeed, eBay and PayPal sites are not focused on Syria included in the scope of services.


叙利亚电子军:我们还黑掉了eBay和PayPal - eBay,PayPal,叙利亚电子军,SEA - IT资讯



“我们并不想攻击人们的账户。”SEA一位名叫Th3 Pr0的成员称,该组织攻击了eBay域名管理机构,进而关闭了该网站,并将访问引导到另外一台服务器上。这位成员称,SEA还在多个eBay和PayPal主页展示自己的Logo,持续时间约为30分钟。

PayPal全球倡议高级主管阿努伊·纳亚尔(Anuj Nayar)表示,“在今天很短的时间内,一小部分用户访问英国、法国和印度的eBay及PayPal网页时被重新定向。这个问题被迅速发现和解决,没有用户数据因重新定向被获取,也没有用户账户受到影响。我们非常重视用户安全和隐私,并且正在积极调查此次短时间重新定向的原因。”

SEA因高调实施黑客攻击而知名,其主要目标是西方媒体,主要采用钓鱼或欺诈电子邮件等方式诱使公司员工点击并输入敏感的登录信息。尽管Th3 Pr0拒绝披露如何对eBay和PayPal网站实施攻击,但他称SEA采用了比以往更具攻击性的方式。“PayPal使用了很多认证工具,因此此次攻击需要更加高级的技巧。”



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