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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:45:54 Edit(编辑)
Mobile phone brand was purchased by music video and disappear? Cool rage: see you in court,

Mobile phone brand was purchased by music video and disappear? Cool rage: see you in court,(手机品牌将被乐视收购并消失?酷派暴怒:法庭见,)



Mobile phone brand was purchased by music video and disappear? Cool rage: Court-cool, music video-IT news

IT information news on June 15, this morning, gionee group @ Yuan Xuanhua on weibo said letv wholly acquired Yulong telecommunication, the original Yu Longcheer brand big is God singular acquisition, renamed after the separation of the odd cool and cool 360 phone, great brand has also been abolished. At this point, Yulong CoolPad system built for 20 years with the hardware and software systems, patents, brands, and industry influence will disappear completely. Legend from the stage of history, which also marks the end of an era!

Microblogger "Yuan Xuanhua" published rumors about Yulong CoolPad, cool late today in the official Micro-Blog responded that subjective fabrication of false information, said it had issued a letter to bloggers and to the courts to protect their interests.

Following is a cool response full text:

手机品牌将被乐视收购并消失?酷派暴怒:法庭见 - 酷派,乐视 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月15日消息,今天早上,金立集团员工@袁炫华在微博上透露,乐视全资收购宇龙通讯,原宇龙旗下电商品牌大神被奇酷收购,奇酷和酷派分家以后改名360手机,大神品牌也被一并取消。至此,宇龙酷派体系苦心经营20载拥有的软硬件体系、专利、品牌和行业影响力将彻底消失。一代传奇就此退出历史舞台,这也标志着一个时代的结束!



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