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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/15 22:45:05 Edit(编辑)
Guiyang animal park live “abused the Tiger“

Guiyang animal park live “abused the Tiger“(贵阳野生动物园直播“虐待老虎”)



Guiyang animal park live "abused the Tiger"-network broadcast-IT information

On February 15, a man named "favorite Panda" Netizen in a posting on Twitter says, in a live broadcast platform that someone abused the Tiger and record various provocative video to gain eyeballs.

A broadcast platform that someone abused the Tiger, and video recording of the various provocations. Screenshot

Subsequently, the videos cover journalists contacted friends, admitted that the video released by him, and claimed to be wild Zoo keepers in Guiyang. For this behavior, Guiyang wildlife park staff said that "viewing angles, this is not a tease."

User Tip:

Zookeeper pulled the Tigers record videos laugh

According to "favorite Panda" allegations, in a broadcast platform, found keepers dragging Tigers back legs, tail, and even riding on the back of the Tiger Tiger scratching the ear for fun. First video upload two months ago, Tiger being uploaded in the Middle acting training or playing with Tiger video is about more than 30 articles, such abuse is normal, and not by accident.

With map

In the video, a man holding the phone in one hand and pull Tiger tail, beside the people laugh. While the Tigers after being dragged, showed impatience, threats involved men. On a rock in the Park, marked by blood, Netizen "favorite Panda" suspect that Tiger was injured and left the blood.

With map

According to the "favorite Panda" said three or four days ago, she saw this group on the popular videos on the site "Tiger abuse" recommendation, feel incredible, will publish Twitter, hope that attracts public attention.

Parties recognize:

Video I shot every beat

Subsequently, cover journalists found on the live search platform, named "z z mystery man" posters are released 32-related video, includes Tigers of provocation, and so on.

According to videos of people leaving the QQ number, reporter contacted the user. He claimed to be a Safari Park keeper in Guiyang and recognized video broadcast platform was released by him.

Tiger neck and collar.

"And the Tigers stayed together for a long time, is not worried about the tiger attack or harm," he said in a tone of confidence, in the chat, he seems unaware of his suspicion of acts of cruelty to animals, also said the Zoo did not object to this kind of behavior, said similar videos every day.

Just when reporters wanted to know more about the situation, the user suddenly pulled the reporters QQ black.

According to statistics, xiuwen Wildlife Park is located in Guiyang in Guiyang Zha Zuo Zhen, tickets priced at $120, animal shows and other projects.

Zoo staff:

Viewing angle is not teasing

15th, press office of the Wildlife Park is dial the phone, about the case. A staff member acknowledged on the live platform client is the one of the trainers, but that "it wasn't a tease."

"Each person viewing from different angles, there will definitely be a different perception, coupled with the recent animal this (attention) is sensitive, would surely object to some one's normal. ”

For the trainer pulled the Tigers legs, tail, and when these practices are riding the Tiger, she said "not seen, not sure. ”

Suspected injury of Tiger's blood.

Trainer riding the Tiger.

Halfway through, the woman interrupted a reporter's question, that does not have permission to get to know, and says the above reply represents only personal views. When reporters interviewed officials, she responded, "it is not convenient" and changed to say: "this is true is not clear if our Zoo is not very clear, we don't see the trainer of Tiger's abuse," then, "not involved" hanging on the telephone.

Relevant Department: will send as soon as possible to investigate

Subsequently, the reporter contacted Guiyang municipal Bureau of construction of ecological civilization in xiuwen County, reflects this situation. The Council's staff said not yet mastered the situation, sent to investigate as soon as possible.

贵阳野生动物园直播“虐待老虎” - 网络,直播 - IT资讯













随后,封面新闻记者在该直播平台搜索发现,一位名为“Z Z神秘人”的发帖者发布了32个有关视频,均包含挑衅老虎等内容。
















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