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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/9 2:29:02 Edit(编辑)
“Today’s headlines“ suing Sohu commercial defamation, claim 1 million,

“Today’s headlines“ suing Sohu commercial defamation, claim 1 million,

"Today's headlines" suing Sohu commercial defamation claim for 1 million-today's headlines, Sohu-IT news "Today's headlines" suing Sohu commercial defamation, claim 1 million

On July 8, Beijing Haidian District Court revealed on Twitter about "today's headlines" Sohu news commercial defamation litigation, because they think that Sohu said "today's headlines" violations of its copyright constitute commercial slander, "today's headlines" direction Court, demanding that Sohu stop commercial defame behavior, public apologies, remove and make compensation for the economic loss of 1 million Yuan. Today, the Haidian District Court has accepted this case according to law.

Following are Haidian, Beijing announced the "today's headlines" Sohu commercial defamation litigation details of the issue:

Related articles: Sohu prosecution "today's headlines" tort, claims 11 million

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