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published in(发表于) 2017/1/3 1:26:56 Edit(编辑)
Study: China’s “three North“ shelterbelts can be adsorbed to clear PM2.5

Study: China’s “three North“ shelterbelts can be adsorbed to clear PM2.5(研究:中国“三北”防护林可吸附清除PM2.5,)



Study: China's "three North" shelterbelts can be adsorbed to clear PM2.5-PM2.5, smog, governance-IT information

Lanzhou, Lanzhou, January 2 University researchers in a new study results showed that"three North" protection forest project in North China air pollutant sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and PM2.5 have a role in adsorption and removal. Previously, domestic "three North" protection forest project on atmospheric pollutants adsorbed and the scavenging effects of the lack of systematic research.

Numerical simulation and observation based on long-term research, College of resource and environment of Lanzhou University Professor Ma Jianmin and his team of researchers concluded that compared with 1982, 2010 "three North" protection forest project on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides adsorption and removal effect of growth 60%. "If the measurement unit is ' North ' shelterbelt during 1982-2010 on sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides adsorption and removal of up to 1.1 million tonnes, of which" three North "protection forest area around 50% per cent of total removals in North China, the" three North "protection forest on the significance of improving air quality in North China. "Ma Jianmin said.

Meanwhile, the study found, compared with 1982, 2010 "three North" protection forest project on the adsorption and removal of PM2.5 increases 30%. Ma Jianmin introduced from 1999 to 2010, the project has cleared about 30 million tonnes of PM2.5 in North China, which cleared most areas in North China, 0.9% of the total removals of PM2.5.

Team members, College of resource and environment of Lanzhou University Dr Huang Tao introduction, "If there is no ' North ' shelterbelt, three northern regions of organic pollutants by adsorption or removal action will reduce 30%, clear of strong carcinogen benzopyrene will reduce 50%. Benzopyrene is the main toxic substances of PM2.5. ”

Researchers monitoring and research also showed that "three North" protection forest in the atmospheric pollutants than low levels of pollutants outside the forest. They predicted that the "three North" protection forest project when completed in 2050 of organic pollutants by adsorption and removal will continue to grow. Among them, the strong carcinogens of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed and the scavenging effect will grow 1.9 times more than in 1990. Research also found that the "three North" protection forest project in the adsorption and removal of air pollutants at the same time, also emit a certain amount of volatile organic compounds isoprene. Isoprene is PM2.5 and ozone precursor compounds.

Research results have been published in the environmental pollution of the atmospheric chemistry and physics, the International Journal of environmental science and technology.

"Three North" protection forest project is in Northwestern China, North China and Northeast China forestry ecological engineering construction of large scale artificial, 42.4% per cent of China's land area, aimed at improving the ecological environment.

Ma Jianmin, and jeric Huang, research personnel recommends: in "three North" shelterbelt engineering next of construction in the, related sector should consider to different species on atmosphere pollutants of adsorption and clear role and on volatile sex organic compounds of emissions role, should be select drought, and Hardy, and both conducive to adsorption and clear air pollution real, and and can reduced volatile sex organic compounds biological emissions of species, to better to play the engineering of related role.

研究:中国“三北”防护林可吸附清除PM2.5 - PM2.5,雾霾,治理 - IT资讯

兰州1月2日电 兰州大学科研人员的一项最新研究成果显示,“三北”防护林工程对中国北方大气污染物二氧化硫、氮氧化物和PM2.5具有一定的吸附和清除作用。此前,国内对“三北”防护林工程是否对大气污染物有吸附和清除作用缺乏系统的研究。








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