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published in(发表于) 2016/9/4 9:01:00 Edit(编辑)
Ma answered the G20 Summit site in Hangzhou: 44 years ago, Hangzhou is famous,

Ma answered the G20 Summit site in Hangzhou: 44 years ago, Hangzhou is famous,(马云回答G20峰会选址杭州:44年前杭州就很有名,)



Ma answered the G20 Summit site in Hangzhou: 44 years ago, Hangzhou is famous-Ma, G20-IT information

B20 yesterday opened the first day of the Summit, B20 SME development working group, Alibaba's Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors and B20 infrastructure working group co-chairs, Hans-Paul bürkner, President of the Boston Consulting Group, a global dialogue as the last item on the agenda. Hangzhou man Ma, wholly in English as the gracious hospitality, he opened by saying: "it is a great honour to participate in today's event, welcome to my home. I was born in Hangzhou, Hangzhou is something manufactured. ”

Hangzhou is very famous in 44 years ago

"We might ask why as the G20 Summit held in Hangzhou City, instead of other more famous big-city. My answer is 44 years ago, should have been very famous in Hangzhou. "He said, in 1972, Nixon visited Hangzhou, China and United States leaders believe that the two countries should build a good future in the world. Hangzhou so lucky is in Hangzhou, the two leaders reached a comprehensive consensus, Hangzhou has rewritten history of the city.

"When I was a boy of 8, but thanks to become part of the open society, there are many hotels in Hangzhou, there are a lot of foreign tourists, and through them I learned English, opened my eyes. "MA to show you a few pictures, contrast of Hangzhou is more than 40 years ago and now, he said:" in the past 44 years, China, Hangzhou changed, I changed, my company has changed. 17 years ago are still not Alibaba. Because we are open, open to the whole world, opening for us means prosperity, open for us means growth. ”

Can't use 2000 years ago to solve problems

In recent years, MA has been actively promoting eWTP, wants to help the world's developing and least developed countries, small and medium enterprises, easier for young people to enter the global market, participation in the global economy. In the past six months, he has run for more than 30 countries in the world, to countries to promote this concept. This time, eWTP overall policy recommendations report not only written to the B20, B20 officially submitted to the G20 Summit and G20 Trade Ministers through the global trade growth strategies are specifically mentioned in.

"The world needs more free trade, needs more jobs, the globalization more inclusive growth. "In dialogue speech last night, Ma said, globalization is very good thing over the last 30 years, now its every problem is just growing pains.

"In the last 20-30 years, globalization service for 20% of the world's largest companies, to services in developed countries, but is it possible to make globalization work to the rest of the 80% of small business services? "He said, before 2000, China built the great wall, it is fear of foreign invasion. Today, some say trade barriers will be built to stop free trade, we can't use 2000 years ago to solve the problem.

马云回答G20峰会选址杭州:44年前杭州就很有名 - 马云,G20 - IT资讯









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