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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:05:19 Edit(编辑)
American man was robbed, because the phone is clamshell machine be cold-shouldered...,

American man was robbed, because the phone is clamshell machine be cold-shouldered...,(美国男子遭抢劫,因手机是翻盖机遭嫌弃...,)

Casanova was robbed, cell phones are flip machine by mind ...-Rob, flip the machine-IT information Adonis was robbed, because the phone is clamshell machine be cold-shouldered ...

On December 30, according to foreign media reports, the United States men encounter in the Park a few days ago, armed robbery, did not expect one by one around clamshell mobile phone thief mind rejection.

It is reported that the incident took place in New York's Central Park, the victim is a 25 year old man named kaiwen·KUKE. In the face of death threats, Cooke produced their own flip a paragraph on WP for three years. The phone model is unknown.

? Victims

But robbers when the phone in her hand, a big mind. Cook said: "when he (the robbers) saw my phone, that look is like saying, ' this man TM is stuff, ' and then he gave it back to me. ”

This really is news ...? Small make up for what it says it is in the black, Microsoft ...

There was an article by the flip phone why is favored by celebrities? Points out that many celebrities prefer clamshell phones, it appears only in that segment of the population.


美男子遭抢劫,因手机是翻盖机遭嫌弃... - 抢劫,翻盖机 - IT资讯






之前曾有一篇文章《 翻盖手机为何仍受名人青睐? 》指出,很多名人都钟情于翻盖手机,看来那也仅仅是部分人啊。


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