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published in(发表于) 2016/10/27 6:12:49 Edit(编辑)
The reality: why should Liu Jing dong all employees a raise? ,

The reality: why should Liu Jing dong all employees a raise? ,(揭秘:刘强东为什么要给京东全体员工涨工资?,)



The reality: why should Liu Jing dong all employees a raise? -IT information

Liu said: our employees are happy to serve, and happy to go to work .

Employee benefits has been emphasized, he proved himself not just say it this time.

On October 27, Jingdong a letter from the personnel department sent messages appear, East of Beijing is grass-roots staff's salaries in the corporate overhaul , including grass-roots wage increase no less than 10%, supervisors and managers not below the level of wage increase for you 20%. Meanwhile, key strategic talent group, the gains of the Jingdong will set up more flexible competitive space.

Publish salary details in the email include:P/T1 staff polling does not lower than 10%,M1&M2, P/T3, P/T2 (supervisor, Manager) salary polling is not less than 20%, entered into force on April 1, 2017 . Jingdong internal staff is professional and management development series, professional series from P1, T1 to P6, T6, manage sequence from M1 to M5.

It is reported that Jingdong the salary increase would be much greater than current Internet--9% annual polling average.

Employees in the wage increases is the CEO Liu Jing dong Group during a recent routine Executive directly on the earlier decision. He has represented internally, with the maturing of Jingdong Group's business, Beijing East will devote more resources to increase employee salaries and benefits competitive and improvements to the work environment, was brought about by the company's growth by more talented employees to share in return.

In August this year, Jingdong more 28.847 billion dollars in revenue in a fiscal year for the first time entered the Fortune 500 list, and became the first to enter the world top 500 of Chinese Internet enterprises.

The rise of enterprise development, Liu's move sends a signal to the outside world: focus on talent .

Today's decline in the battle for high-tech industries on the Internet technology, the major companies are already in the high-tech field of separation of power. In a couple of big-stick war, competition for talent has become a key breakthrough.

According to the international financial newspaper, Huawei had sharply in 2013 for staff salary. The same year, ZTE has published the plan of stock option incentive, a one-time stock options granted to employees in total equity 3%, whose ultimate goal is "boost morale". As a domestic e-commerce giant Alibaba is several times with bonuses, option awards and special red envelopes provide benefits for their employees.

Such visible incentives prove to be effective. To Ali Baba, for example, 2015 "double 11" 's turnover reached 91.217 billion, an increase of 59.7%.

In addition to the pay adjustment, Jingdong have dormitory and cafeteria environment for China to conduct investigation, will shortly be fully improved working and living environments, which Liu said "to let the people to live in dignity".

Liu did.

揭秘:刘强东为什么要给京东全体员工涨工资? - IT资讯




这封邮件中所公布的涨薪细节包括:P/T1 员工薪酬普调不低于10%,M1&M2、P/T3、P/T2(主管、经理级)薪酬普调不低于20%,2017年4月1日生效。而京东内部对于员工采用的是专业和管理两条发展序列,专业序列从P1、T1一直到P6、T6,管理序列则由M1到M5。










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