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published in(发表于) 2016/5/16 7:31:44 Edit(编辑)
P2P routines, and wrath of the people’s daily,

P2P routines, and wrath of the people’s daily,(P2P套路多,人民日报怒批之,)



P2P routine, daily wrath-P2P, Internet financial-IT information

In recent years, with the increase in household wealth, especially with the development of Internet banking, financial innovation, but also a mixed bag, led investors to Peregrine. Recently, this reporter visited two respectively in Shanghai, Jiangxi cases involving economic crimes, opened the new illegal fund-raising and pyramid selling cases in the criminal insider, prompting brief method of identifying online fraud.

Illegal fund-raising

"P2P" platform promises higher interest earnings, investment funds into the individual pockets

Period of 12 months, earnings at an annual rate of 59.2%, has undertaken to guarantee the principal amount, whether such financing projects allow you to be tempted? This is called "Shanghai and easy loan" of the so-called "P2P" see investment projects on the platform. End of April 2015, this "P2P" website belongs to the top hundred companies on suspicion of crime of illegal absorbing public deposits were filed for investigation by Shanghai police.

Since March 2014, suspect XING has set up a "Shanghai-easy loan" site and packaged them into network financial investment platform, has released "new technology company" "equity pledge in bozhou city cycle loan" for 1-12 months of investment targets, commitments due to return principal and pay the high annual interest rates. To the incident, "Shanghai-easy loan" raised a total capital of more than 190 million Yuan.

"Industry earning financial money fast. "XING was originally involved in the building industry and beauty chain, scale is not small, but to see someone take the Internet financial concepts" into gold, "his idea. XING was an account of his "P2P business models: the first is on its own network platform for promotional packaging, for the confidence of investors and project financing on behalf of the release investment targets, and finally to make higher interest payments on time, investors must find ways to continue to attract more investment, to fill the front of investor interest.

"The profitability of the factory for a year now, 8% 15%, in less than 12 months in the short period of profiteering may simply not exist. "But XING, in order to make money," chaidongqiang, and to pay, "which uses three means" promotion ": the first is the usurious temptations, promising financial short product cycles and high returns; the second is conducted through the online packaging, create a powerful image; the third is online using emotional exchanges, giving small gifts to win sympathy in the elderly people by way of investment.

Shanghai hosted the case Inspector forest planting of economic investigation Corps detachment told reporters that police found that while "Shanghai and easy loan" Web site lists a large amount of investment, but not corresponding to the reality of real projects, "on the face of investor money into the project, but in fact went to XING, a personal account, by a discretionary XING. "Forest planting, P2P sites as a medium should only charge a service fee in the deal, but like" Shanghai-easy loan "capital in private hands, is equivalent to using the platform to form the" pool ", suspected of a crime.


Network platform promise of electronic currency arbitrage, no new Member unable to withdrawal

Current network products dazzling, which also hides a new multi-level marketing organizations. May 2015 Jiangxi Yichun police investigation of such cases: suspect used "happy compound site" and "k-currency trading system", under cover of a finance and investment to engage in illegal pyramid selling activities. Reports from Yi Chun economic investigation team found a high level of participants in the local Dragon, and Dragon dug back in Luoyang, Henan province, "trader" King (its code in the website system)-Ma criminal suspects.

After a study found, happy compound network requires entrants to purchase at least a 1600 "financial products", and entrants for the 1600 electronic currency to activate the account. Since then, the accounts are automatically assigned to every 20 electronic money as income, but to realizable profit electronic currency have to be joined, and then to sell e-currency to new activated accounts, in this cycle.

"Pay entry fees, human development level, commissions, which are all essential characteristics of illegal pyramid selling. "Yichun police investigation detachment Deputy Chief Zhang Danqing said October 2014" happy network of compound interest "is online, but only 1.5 months later, began to show signs of electronic currency is difficult to liquidate profits," exchange electronic currency must have new members join, old members through dividends, site awards for electronic currency, if there are no new members joined, electronic money will not be able to withdraw. ”

In January 2015, "happy network of compound interest" as older members new members led to the slow pace of development is unsustainable and horses a makeover again developed a "diamond communication networks technology development co k currency trading systems" platform, e-currency translation of the original platform to the new platform, and claims to have changed the business model, but continued to collect dues and development off the profit. Until the incident, Ma had illicitly acquired more than 10 million Yuan and join a network most people devoid of. According to reports, the case involves a number of provinces and cities, large number and know each other, but the Internet has made this new MLM way faster and broader geographical coverage. Police warned that such a high return on investment, in the form of more subtle, allowing people to ignore the nature of illegal pyramid selling.

Police analysis, "happy compound interest network" is will in short time within let so more people cheated fall, a reasons is its to four line, and five line city suburb or rural for stronghold, using suburb residents and the rural villagers on online information true difficult differentiation, financial knowledge lack and the legal concept weak, factors, let its believes "happy compound interest financial" is a legal of online investment financial project.

Fraud identification

Official banner, committed to high-yield, promotional rebates tempting trap

Whether P2P banking scam Internet MLM organization, has a strong hidden and tempting, how to avoid traps, watch the principal, resist the temptation to Inflate profits?

In order to attract investments and these investments and pyramid selling organizations tend to make sounding name. According to the police, the implementation of many illegal fund-raising and marketing organizations under the guise of national, regional or sector development policies, fabricated or forged item name, this fictitious "investment products" and "his fortune" increase confusion and persuasive. National policies or is suspected to be alert to propaganda use of national policy, enhance the discernment.

In addition, in some cases of illegal fund raising, many organizations will be carrying out activities on behalf of the foreign company, self-proclaimed investment projects such as offshore banking, gold, futures, some outside the upscale hotel "investment" seminar. In order to further enhance credibility, also tend to have the following actions: on behalf of the beneficiary will be foreigners in the territory opened to receive investor's; promised to high-yield corporate website, servers located outside or Executive foreigners. To evade regulation, illegal fund-raising on Web sites and investment projects tend to frequent transformation, in particular its company website, careful inquiry found that no formal record. And operation of specific investment projects company, the qualifications of the majority are not in the banking business.

In actual operation, the lure of financial scams often have high and targeted, will organize some so-called "promotional rebate" campaign, for example, received funds, in their personal accounts or cash or instant delivery to the principal that is part of the Commission, dividends and interest. On the streets, supermarkets, shopping malls and other crowd movements, collected from gathering places spot or the issuance of "financial product" advertising, especially with elderly as the main target.

And new of MLM organization, for continued lure people fall cheated, often playing with "reform innovation" business, and investment mode of guise, like "e-commerce" "consumption returned Lee" "chain sales" "chain joined" "network game" "click advertising returned Lee" "charity career" "love mutual" "consumption pension" "electronic currency sale",; and additional various awards, claimed high returns, for example static returns, and dynamic returns, and straight push award, and layer push award, and on touch award, and see points award, and declarations award, and community performance award,.

P2P套路多,人民日报怒批之 - P2P,互联网金融 - IT资讯























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