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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/11 9:22:20 Edit(编辑)
Cats respond to the double 11 sale: frozen stores

Cats respond to the double 11 sale: frozen stores

Cats respond to the double 11 sale: frozen shop-cat, 1th, shop, e-commerce, fake-IT news
Cats respond to the double 11 sale: frozen stores

The afternoon of December 11 news, geared towards today's Administration for industry and Commerce cat 1th shop double exposure days a sale , a cat official micro-blog post this afternoon responded to fake a "zero tolerance", is now down 3 things involved fake goods and 1 goods not qualified, and the freezing of bogus stores. To be verified, to shop, to repel the stores involved.

Today business General official website released bulletin said, this year "double 11" Qian, national business General interviews has 10 home domestic well-known third party network trading platform, in full certainly network trading platform on promoting network economic development of active role of while, also pointed out that has currently exists of some serious illegal operating problem, reminded platform owner perform statutory obligations self-examination, and since correcting, express regulatory sector will take follow-up measures.

Subsequently, the State administration for industry and commerce implementation of the Internet surveillance Division of the sampling operation, cat, Jingdong Mall, 1th, shop, Amazon, suningyi, excellent products, vipshop and Ju mei Le bee network, owned by, third party testing organization for B2C e-commerce platform mentioned above on November 11 promotional sampling the merchandise.

While the check result is not satisfactory, sites such as cat, 1th, shops and suning phenomenon on dual 11-day there are sellers of counterfeits.

Following cat Twitter response full text:

Cat for fakes to take a zero-tolerance approach, we are also strict inspections and selling fake goods through various mechanisms. Business just to sell a fake items will face is to repel, debit of the full amount of deposit, and never together. Informed of the SAIC inspection results, cats has 3 pieces of bogus goods and 1 goods not qualified, and regulatory implications, freeze 3 fake shop. Verify details, and we will be conducted according to the rules relating to shop stores, lay off.

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