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published in(发表于) 2016/9/28 13:04:34 Edit(编辑)
Xu Yuyu telecommunications fraud 18 year old hacker was caught: illegally 60duowantiao candidate information

Xu Yuyu telecommunications fraud 18 year old hacker was caught: illegally 60duowantiao candidate information(徐玉玉电信诈骗案18岁黑客被抓:盗卖60多万条考生信息,)



Xu Yuyu telecommunications fraud 18 year old hacker was caught: stolen 60duowantiao candidate information-Telecom fraud, scams, hackers-IT information

On September 28, on August 19, a scam phone tricked out full College student Xu Yuyu 9900 in linyi, Shandong, also took the 18-year old girl's young life. Subsequently, under the Chinese Ministry of public security, unity of command, 8 involved all suspects to justice.

Chengdu business daily reporters learned that accurate fraud is crucial in the "personal information" part came from the same only the hand of 18-year old boy in Yibin in Sichuan province Du Tianyu. At present, the network named "Mage" hacker Du Tianyu was apprehended by the police in Chengdu, and also in the further investigation of the case.

26th Du Tianyu's mother told Chengdu business newspaper that she had arrived in linyi, Shandong, but has not met Du Tianyu. Du Mu said that the son had been hooked on computers, dropped out of school read the first two days, then to computer training schools, 17 years old to participate in job interview, Zhongguancun, Beijing. For the son of growth, Du Mu acknowledged that little for his legal education at home.


Stolen 60duowantiao candidate information, money more than more than 50,000 yuan

According to news reports, the Police successfully arrested Chen, Zheng Xiancong after fraud ring members, Xu Yuyu immediately launched an investigation into the source of the disclosure of personal information. Subsequently, the police arrived at Chengdu, will sell candidates information to Chen in the QQ Group in Yibin, Sichuan boy Du Tianyu captured. Police confirmed that Du Tianyu as young as 18 years old through QQ has sold more than 10 times Chen Shandong candidate information, illegal profit of more than 14,000 yuan.

Du Tianyu told reporters that traffic in personal information belonging to an underground industrial chains, generally operate on the QQ Group, markets could not be found anywhere else. "It (the QQ Group) on the requirement compared with the shopping sites, is not so strict, strong anonymity, AC is more convenient. "Du Tianyu said.

Du Tianyu claiming to be from a university entrance exam gets Xu Yuyu personal information online registration system. "At that time, looked at, and follow the experience feels there may be a problem vulnerabilities tested upload Trojan. "Du Tianyu account to the police, in April this year he used the security breach" Shandong 2016 exam online registration information system "Web site, download the 60duowantiao entrance examination candidate information, college entrance examination started illegal sales on the Internet after the end, total access to proceeds of more than 50,000 yuan, including Xu Yuyu's personal information.

A mother:

Son two days of school, dreams of computer of China's top 200

Du Tianyu some plot along the South lived in Yibin, Du Tianyu after the accident, his mother Lady Wu has arrived in linyi, Shandong. Ms WU introduced, son of introverted, just read the first time, to buy him a computer at home, which he had hooked on computers. Son study till junior high school sophomore, because it is often not completed homework, teacher suggested sending him to a more strict management of schools. So Ms Wu to send son to Yibin, a private school on the second day of the year, after he insisted that no longer go to school.

Wu told reporters that parents rarely give Du Tianyu pocket money, she'll pick my son up from school at noon and afternoon, Du Tianyu Internet time should therefore not much. "Usually at home, he spends less time, occasionally packed game. ”

Wu said that Du Tianyu after leaving school, first to Xinhua computer training schools for a year. But because he felt the computer schools are very basic things he has already mastered, so he left the Xinhua computer school, a training institute training in Chengdu for several months. At the age of 17, Du Tianyu passed the technical test of a technology company in Beijing and went to work for a technology company in Zhongguancun, more than 5000 Yuan a month, but for the son's work in Beijing, she only knew is a "computer", know little about the other.

She remembers clearly, Du Tianyu had told her: there are more than 80,000 people in China engaged in his work, his ambition is to do it in three years, China's top 200.


He is a computer genius, junior high school has designed a computer program

Du Tianyu MC Ren Miao junior high school teacher, Du Tianyu 2010 entered first in a middle school in Yibin city, when is was the smallest in more than 50 students in the class, also very introverted personality. Miao Laoshi memories, Du Tianyu disliked school, the teacher assigned homework is not done, classes do not listen, or sleep, or school, and to do so often parents. "As a teacher, Du Tianyu gives me a headache. ”

Miao Laoshi memories, Du Tianyu doesn't love learning, but the figures are very sensitive, gifted in math. Miao Laoshi was most impressed, was Du Tianyu demonstrated unique ability in computer technology.

Miao Laoshi says: "it was divided into nine teams in the class, teacher to group check questions in class. "Students complain that teachers often give good teams to do your work. "I joke that you could design something, so that teachers can randomly selected Panel to answer questions. ”

The next day, Du Tianyu designed a program loaded in the classroom computer, really realizes the function of teacher students randomly. Since then, the computer is out of order in the class, whether it is a hardware or software problem, by Du Tianyu proactive maintenance.

"This baby really is a computer genius, who showed a trait. "Du Tianyu's use hacking techniques to steal personal information, said Miao Laoshi is no surprise. "The doll high IQ but low EQ, social knowledge, the world does not understand. If you have a good guide, he has to be the difference. ”

Mother regrets:

Son has a gift for computers, but no one taught him to study law

She recalled, in February this year, Du Tianyu came back from Beijing, at home over the Spring Festival. He also encouraged the cousins make good reading, seeking to enter a good University. "We asked him to go back to school, he did not like, just want to work in the field of computer technology. "Madam Wu told reporters that Du Tianyu again to Chengdu after applying for the Spring Festival.

On September 3, Du Tianyu phoned his mother, said he would go home. After a week, Du Tianyu failed to return calls could not be reached. On September 9, she upset, Chengdu found son, learned of his son Xu Yuyu-related case had been taken away by the police.

It is understood that Du Tianyu grew up in one-parent families. At the time he was 5 years old, her parents divorced, Du Tianyu living together with his mother, has been brought up by his mother. Wu admitted that though gifted and an advantage in computer technology, but in terms of legal knowledge is completely blank. "Our family because no one knows how many legal, and none of his legal education. ”

徐玉玉电信诈骗案18岁黑客被抓:盗卖60多万条考生信息 - 电信诈骗,诈骗,黑客 - IT资讯



























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