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Tesla then what? Musk: trains and rockets

Tesla then what? Musk: trains and rockets

Tesla then what?
Musk: trains and rockets-Tesla, Thomas g, Paypal, iron man, train, rocket-IT news Tesla then what? Musk: trains and rockets

Recently, Tesla's CEO Mr MASKEY said he had been thinking about how to build a flying car and dive car. "Of course, we can create a flying car, but this is not the hard part. Is the most difficult, how do you make a flying car is safe and quiet. "At this point, you may be a little odd: the musk was not developed car? How started the design of these sci-fi products?

Actually, the real Thomas grams, more than just simple as Tesla CEO.

South Africa immigration

Now in the United States Science and technology shakers Thomas grams, is essentially a South Africa migration. In 1971, the musk in the South Africa-born, the son of a South Africa engineer and his mother was Canada who, dietitian and modeling. 17 year old of that year, he went to Canada; 21 years old, he earned a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania, stood in the United States on the land.

Paypal founder

In 1999, with money from selling software to get musk founded and began preparing to fight in the Internet. Musk believes that "P2P" payment has tremendous prospects, so he developed the "PayPal" online payment system. In October 2002, eBay for $ 1.5 billion acquisition of Paypal, musk successfully cashed $ 328 million, opened the next life.

SpaceX's founder and CEO

In fact, several months before the sale of Paypal, musk has his heart from the Internet into the space. After obtaining the $ 328 million, he set up a private space launch companies, this is the SpaceX. His ambitions are running space trucking business, direct and United States Space Agency (NASA), as well as global space launch centers compete for business. In late May, SpaceX announced the second generation of its "Dragon" spacecraft design, which was to assume the United States transport between astronaut and international space station missions, Mr MASKEY personally demonstrate the product to the outside world.

Chairman of Solarcity

SolarCity firm was set up in October 2008, is the United States a company that specialises in developing household PV power generation projects. SolarCity offers system design and installation, as well as comprehensive solar energy services such as financing, construction supervision, and musk are the company's main investor, the Chairman. Earlier this year, the company came out with a compelling product: for the use of Tesla Motors and the batteries to store power through solar panels, which will positively impact the popularity of Tesla Motors.

Super train project sponsors

In July 2013, musk unveiled its distance of 380 miles (612 kilometers) between San Francisco and Los Angeles building "Super loop" express ideas. This scenario materialise, people ride the express train from San Francisco to Los Angeles would take only 30 minutes at a time, across the United States is also just 45 minutes is twice times normal speed. According to Mr MASKEY said, "Super loop" express transport network is based on the Concorde supersonic transport jets, rail guns, and air hockey table model.

He is not the iron man prototypes!

After the hit movie ' iron man ', someone will contact the iron man musk, and dubbed the "prototype" of the title. In fact, Thomas g than the comic book iron man came out a full eight years too late, it can be seen, musk and protagonist in the cartoon iron man had nothing, just as Howard Hughes prototype figures have passed away, the movie iron man getting some inspiration from musk, coupled with the musk of cameo, before he won the title.

Related: Tesla is just foreplay, Thomas g released "Dragon" second generation of spacecraft

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