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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:45:20 Edit(编辑)
Gates to donate the hens do charity, Bolivia is very angry,

Gates to donate the hens do charity, Bolivia is very angry,(盖茨欲捐赠母鸡做慈善,玻利维亚很生气,)



Gates to donate the hens do charity, Bolivia was very angry-Bolivia, Bill Gates, the gates-IT information

According to foreign media reports, Bolivia's left-wing President Evo Morales (Juan Evo Morales) 's anti-US stance earned him awards at the same time, also attracted a lot of enemies. Now, add yet another one on his enemies list: Bill Gates (Bill Gates). On Wednesday, his Government rejected the Microsoft founder to Bolivia hen donation scheme, saying it was "outrageous".

Bolivia land and rural development Minister saisaer·kekalike (César Cocarico) in the capital La Paz (La Paz), told reporters that: "he (Gates) don't know about Bolivia's situation, that we live in the jungle like 500 years ago, did not know how to farmed poultry. To be perfectly blunt, he should stop talking about Bolivia, once he's on we learn more, he apologized. ”

Gates recently announced that he will work with Heifer International Organization (Heifer International), to sub-Saharan Africa's poorest countries to donate 100,000 hens. Heifer International (Heifer International) is a non-profit charitable organization, by providing livestock to poor families to fight hunger. Gates donated the hen's countries, including Bolivia, the country's growing regional influence, but it is still Latin America, one of the poorest countries. In its blog post, although Gates did not mention Bolivia, but its plan by Bolivia's State News Agency was widely disseminated.

Last week, Gates wrote: "obviously, I think that almost any situation of people living in extreme poverty if they have chickens will have a better start. In fact, if I were in their situation, I would do that--I'm going to raise chickens. "

Kekalike said: "this plan from a don't know Bolivia reality Tycoon, we think that's rude behavior. ”

Gates donated the hen's Plan Bolivia officials are angry because 10 years ago since Morales took office, Bolivia's economy has doubled three times, over more than 2.6 million people have joined the middle class. According to the data of the State social and economic policy analysis unit, the country's per capita gross domestic product (GDP) jumped from $ 1,200 in 2006 to 2015 of 3,119 dollars.

Kekalike said: "he should tell his we Bolivia produced enough poultry does not need anyone to donate the chickens living, we have dignity. ”

Bolivia Cochabamba, Prov. De La (Cochabamba) data of the Pakistan poultry Association, Bolivia 146.6 million growth in broiler production from 2009 to 2014, 193.6 million Bolivia person eating chicken has reached 35.5 kg per capita .

Although Morales has always been holding anti-US stance, but he led Bolivia on a steady growth path. On Tuesday, United States Secretary of State John Kerry (John Kerry) of Venezuela commented on the crisis, Morales said on Twitter: "John Kerry continues to believe that Latin America is his backyard, its people are his work. ”

Bolivia this is natural gas and mineral-exporting countries in the Andean countries. But with heavy dependence on oil ally Venezuela is different, Bolivia has proven able to withstand collapse in commodities prices. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast this week that Bolivia's economic growth 3.8%, best performance in the South American country.

盖茨欲捐赠母鸡做慈善,玻利维亚很生气 - 玻利维亚,比尔盖茨,盖茨 - IT资讯

据国外媒体报道,玻利维亚左翼总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯(Juan Evo Morales)的反美立场为他赢得嘉奖的同时,也招来了不少敌人。如今,他的敌人名单上又增加了一位:比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)。周三,他的政府拒绝这位微软创始人向玻利维亚捐赠母鸡的计划,并称这是“无礼的”

玻利维亚土地和农村发展部长塞萨尔·科卡里科(César Cocarico)在首都拉巴斯(La Paz)接受记者采访时表示:“他(盖茨)不了解玻利维亚的现状,认为我们像500年前一样生活在丛林中,不知道如何养殖家禽。恕我直言,他应该停止谈论玻利维亚,一旦他对我们了解更多,他会向我们道歉的。”

盖茨最近宣布,他将与国际小母牛组织(Heifer International)合作,向撒哈拉以南非洲地区为主的贫穷国家捐赠10万只母鸡。国际小母牛组织(Heifer International)是一家非盈利性慈善机构,通过向贫困家庭提供牲畜来与饥饿作斗争。盖茨捐赠母鸡的国家包括玻利维亚,该国地区影响力越来越大,但仍是拉丁美洲最贫穷的国家之一。虽然盖茨在其博客发表的帖子并没有提及玻利维亚,但其计划通过玻利维亚国家通讯社得到广泛传播。






尽管莫拉莱斯一向持反美立场,但他带领玻利维亚走上平稳发展的道路。本周二,美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)对委内瑞拉的危机发表了评论,莫拉莱斯在Twitter表示:“约翰·克里仍然认为拉丁美洲是他的后院,它的人民是他的苦工。”


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