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published in(发表于) 2016/8/17 12:22:13 Edit(编辑)
Cumulative amount exceeding 200,000 yuan, Taobao sellers cheated worse by rebate promotion,

Cumulative amount exceeding 200,000 yuan, Taobao sellers cheated worse by rebate promotion,(累计金额超20万元,淘宝卖家被返利推广骗惨,)



Cumulative amount exceeding 200,000 yuan, cheated worse by rebate promotion-Taobao Taobao seller-IT information

For sellers, Taobao platforms flow limited circumstances, using rebate Web site third-party platforms such as import flows, is a common means to increase sales and promote your brand.

At this stage, variety of returned Lee form full market, in Internet giant of intervention Xia, some small returned Lee website of survival space was compression, if no super strong of technology, and marketing means and faithful of buyers user, advantage, hard for cooperation businesses import flow, businesses and its for cooperation also no guarantees, so, Taobao sellers should as select reputation high, and strength thick of returned Lee website or commercial website for cooperation.

"Pro, your product is suitable to our platform to promote to ensure sales can go from 50 to 300 a day......"

Recently, many Taobao sellers receive from "spell rebate" Web collaboration invitation. For sellers, Taobao platforms flow limited circumstances, using rebate Web site third-party platforms such as import flows, is a common means to increase sales and promote your brand.

And this time, often deals and rebate site Taobao sellers, saying he "cheated", rather than from spell rebate guide over the traffic on the site, but can't take deposits on the site before.

"Cheated" the amount accumulated to more than 200,000 yuan

It is understood that the businesses in order to promote product sales, a portion of the profits to promoters, promoters and return a portion of the profits to consumers, the rebate Web site. As a platform for shopping, rebate sites according to the share of sales to merchants for a Commission.

On August 1, the Taobao sellers trading in food Neil (not his real name) as usual busy answering buyer's Advisory, want want buzz kept in succession, in which a claimed to spell rebate activities Commissioner for the dialogue searching cooperation news, caught his attention, so its QQ "spring and Autumn Annals-investment" for the next consultation and the friends.

"We deduct only sell products of the 5% Commission, does not charge any fees ... ..." compared to other rebate Web site 8% to 10% of the Commission, the "spring and autumn-investment" given price, Neil.

"The commitment, if the promotion a week not over 300 products, the remaining deposit withdrawals can be made, 3 to 5 working days to arrive. "This commitment removed Neil worries. Year-round he dealing with network in determining the spell rebate Web site domain name record is complete, non-fishing site, participated in 300 products under the guidance of other activities, through PayPal on the operating company transferred 9000 Yuan deposit.

However, activities over the two days, Neil will detect suspicious, because there was no guide up the spell rebate Web site traffic, buyers did not increase. Confusing the Heavies, and then "spring and Autumn Annals-investment" to contact, but did not get response.

Wait until the campaign period ends, Neil to fight rebates extraction site to apply for deposit without success, confirmed he was "cheated" guess. Numerous contacts "spring and Autumn Annals-investment" is the result of being black. But Neil is forced to get the platform complaints.

August 12, in Neil of introduced Xia, reporter joined "spell returned Lee lie injured group", group in has 26 bit members, its experience and Neil similar, are is in spell returned Lee website Shang for activities, is no increased flow; and different Taobao sellers to platform by make of deposit, all freeze in spell returned Lee platform cannot extraction, which, small to hundreds of Yuan, big to tens of thousands of Yuan, cumulative amount reached more than 200,000 yuan.

The "new old" customer response

Ministry address/domain name record information management system to query the spell rebate Web site was informed that its operating company as "Dongguan Yang network technology limited"; Commerce, public information displays, Dongguan Yang network technology limited was set up in April this year, its legal representative human Zhou Qing chun, registered capital of 1 million Yuan.

Press spell rebate Web site see a "spell rebate on users as well as operating bulletin" message, released on August 6, which reads: at present, as there are many buyers the number of businesses, now needs a long time to check the settlement of funds, so applications within one month in advance for all applications August 1 suspension of all business, implemented from August 1 the above notice.

"To have voted for Taobao sellers do not do respond directly or pull black, while also adding new sellers Taobao QQ friends, lie to their participation in the platform called the activity. "Neil told reporters.

On August 13, the reporter to Taobao seller status and "spring-investment" QQ, to go through. Each other in a similar tone that "5 days to complete the sales of 300 ... ... If not, the rest of the money can be raised, within two days to the account. "When a reporter asked the official website announcements August 1 when all activities of business writing, the other explanation:" August 1, company relocation, was already back in operation. ”

And according to the users in the group, has yet to hear spelt rebate activities Commissioner's instructions or take deposits on the platform.

"Moreover, website Home Show merchandise, not sellers Taobao post, is a seller of goods links to the platform on his Web site, create the illusion of an operation. "Neil found himself told reporters.

Journalists on its Web site randomly selects 3 merchants, by want want to ask the owner, get feedback is "spell rebate did not participate in the activities on the site."

Subsequently, the reporter to fight rebates only contact on the Web site--email sent to interview email, as of press time, no reply is received.

Or forming civil fraud

26 Taobao seller, how do I recover my deposit?

Associate Professor, Law Department of Beijing University of posts and telecommunications, Internet governance and legal studies, said Xie Yongjiang, Deputy Director, spell rebate from Commissioner of activities not in accordance with the agreed return deposits, declined to respond, the number of victims and other circumstances, spell rebate network suspected of fraud money; as regards economic dispute or constitute fraud, according to the specific facts of the case findings.

"On the one hand, Taobao sellers can report to the public security organs, accuse each other of fraud; the other hand, it may bring civil rights. "Xie Yongjiang said, because spell rebate sites have a real domain name record, site operators for industrial and commercial registration, it is easier to verify the defendant.

Beijing big Hyatt lawyer firm lawyer Liang Honggang proposed two species guess: a is spell returned Lee as a just established of website, face with type website of competition, with low Commission of way business, or may suffered mismanagement of status; II is due to now website gets record compared easy, also not excluded its put with legal of coat deliberately for fraud of possibilities; but given by involved amount is unlikely to, and company operation subject still in, to finds for criminal fraud, from cheated of Taobao sellers provides of information information view, the case suspected civil fraud.

"Taobao sellers and tailor the rebate promotion activities between companies, for transactions between the two business bodies, already forming contractual relationships, contractual relations between the parties, if the company defaults, Taobao seller access to the courts and apply for property preservation and minimizing losses caused. "Liang Honggang said.

In these disputes, and website operators by victims are not in the same city, will face higher costs, cycle time, evidence and other factors, victims often choose to eat humble pie, so directly. In this regard, Liang Honggang suggested that deceived businessmen could jointly commissioned lawyers to file a lawsuit filing and the collection of evidence and other related litigation and lawyer-agent, costs as low as possible.

Macro just further said, at this stage, variety of returned Lee form full market, in Internet giant of intervention Xia, some small returned Lee website of survival space was compression have more narrow, if no super strong of technology, and marketing means and faithful of buyers user, advantage, hard for cooperation businesses import flow, businesses and its for cooperation also no guarantees, so, Taobao sellers should as select reputation high, and strength thick of returned Lee website or commercial website for cooperation, once found problem, should timely retained evidence, Rights through the legal channels.

Press search revealed, except the seller money is frozen at the site cannot be extracted, buyers often reflected in the rebate before the site is now difficult, must reach a certain period or until enough accumulated a certain amount can be extracted.

In the view of industry observers Hong Shibin, rebate sites will "delay" business or buyer is time, because pools of capital formation, the rebate Web site in addition to charge businesses deduct another source of profit.

"But the rebate Web rebates alone is not a long-term, if businessmen directly let to a buyer, then the rebate business model will become redundant links, can be described as ' chicken '. "Hong Shibin believes that unless a rebate website users who have accumulated enough quantity, or transformation.

累计金额超20万元,淘宝卖家被返利推广骗惨 - 淘宝 - IT资讯


































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