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店主已哭瞎:美国商店50万元天价万智牌遭窃 - 万智牌,盗窃
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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第1集
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published in(发表于) 2016/9/23 9:27:47 Edit(编辑)
Rex glasses maker sued Alibaba: require disclosure of sale information

Rex glasses maker sued Alibaba: require disclosure of sale information(暴龙眼镜生产商起诉阿里巴巴:要求披露售假者信息,)



Rex glasses maker sued Alibaba: require disclosure of false information-Rex glasses for sale, Alibaba-IT information

On September 23, according to the Beijing Haidian District Court news, due to lack of access and sale information, Tyrannosaurus glass producers "fake site" domain registrar company communications technology (Beijing) co to court, requires written disclosure of sale Web domains that users information. Recently, the Haidian District Court has accepted the case.

Ya Rui said the plaintiff is a registered trademark of the company "BOLON" "Tyrannosaurus" for the right person, produce own brand "BOLON Tyrannosaurus" sunglasses and optical frames. March 2016, plaintiffs found outlaws through a domain name website sales against company registered trademark right of fake "storm Dragon" glasses, plaintiffs to to court prosecution infringement people, but objective Shang cannot learned that infringement people information, through query, sale fake website of domain name registered business for Ali company, Ali company domain name registered business, should knows sale fake website using people of identity information, plaintiffs to Ali company mailing lawyer letter requirements disclosure related information, Ali company does not reply.

At present, the case is under further investigation.

暴龙眼镜生产商起诉阿里巴巴:要求披露售假者信息 - 暴龙眼镜,阿里巴巴 - IT资讯




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