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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:17:24 Edit(编辑)
So witty, it’s CES2014 stand with the highest exposure,

So witty, it’s CES2014 stand with the highest exposure,(太机智了,它是CES2014曝光度最高的展台,)

So witty, it was the highest stand-Kindle Fire CES2014 exposure, Amazon, CES2014-IT information So witty, it's CES2014 exposure is the highest booth

Exhibitors are participating in the 2014CES large exhibition areas countless large and small. How do you make your own exposure is so high? Referring to this, no one is smarter than the Amazon.

It is reported that Amazon's "Las Vegas" in Las Vegas (which is this year's CES Conference cities) McCarran International Airport opened a vending machine selling Kindle, Kindle Fire. This device, just like ordinary vending machines placed together, passengers can be seen coming and going. To know that the McAllen international airport is attending CES Conference exhibitors (of course by air passengers) must pass through. So there is no doubt that the Kindle Fire vending machine, seems to have become a CES visitors saw most of "exhibits".

It is reported that this Kindle Fire vending machine has been placed as early as two weeks ago, here, today (Friday, the CES Conference only a week, the main exhibitor at sunrise on the first three shows) is its "implementation tasks" on the last day. In addition to selling Kindle electronic reading device, Kindle Fire tablet, the vending machines also sell other accessories associated with them.

Although Amazon did not participate in the 2014 Conference of the CES, but that "nobody," policy, but it's there. On one hand, it to as many CES visitors showed their products, on the other hand also in electric service to some extent proved its power.

Of course, you don't feel anything unusual, because Amazon said: "we have launched Kindle vending machines before, this" settled "after the McCarran International Airport, and consumers responded very well! ”


太机智了,它是CES2014曝光度最高的展台 - Kindle Fire,亚马逊,CES2014 - IT资讯


据悉,亚马逊在“赌城”拉斯维加斯(也就是本届CES大会召开城市)的麦卡伦国际机场开设了一个销售Kindle、Kindle Fire产品的自动售货机。这个设备就和普通的自动售货机一样放置在一起,来来往往的乘客都可以看到。要知道麦卡伦国际机场是参加CES大会的参展商(当然是乘飞机的乘客)的必经之地。那么毫无疑问这款Kindle Fire自动售货机,俨然成了CES游客们看到的最多的“展品”。

据悉,这款Kindle Fire自动售货机早在两周前就已经被放置在这里了,今日(周五,CES大会只开一个星期,主要参展商一般都在前三日出展)是其“执行宣传任务”的最后一天。除了兜售Kindle电子阅读器、Kindle Fire平板,这款自动售货机还出售与之相关的其他配件。

尽管亚马逊没有参加2014 CES大会,但是这个“人没到,东西到”的策略还真是够绝的。一方面,它向尽可能多的CES游客展示了自己的产品,另一方面也在一定程度上证明其电商服务强大能力。



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