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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:40:04 Edit(编辑)
Black Friday iOS victory, orders for Android 3.5 times times

Black Friday iOS victory, orders for Android 3.5 times times(黑色星期五iOS完胜,订单额为安卓3.5倍,)

Black iOS victory on Friday, the order amounts to 3.5 times times-Black Friday Android, iPhone,iPad, Android-IT information Black Friday iOS victory, orders for Android 3.5 times times

According to Adobe's report on Black Friday and Thanksgiving,iPhone and iPad client orders to us $ 543 million, while Android client orders to us $ 148 million, which is more than 3 times of the latter times.

According to the report, mobile sales record of 24.2% per cent of total sales, compared with the same period last year increased by 118%. IPad mobile shopping device is the most popular, followed by the iPhone and Android devices.

Report shows that total flow on the mobile side 24.2%, 15.6% of the traffic comes from tablet computers , the rest 8.6% from smartphones . Through orders for iPad sales reached $ 417 million iPhone port for $ 126 million. While Android Smartphone client on sales of 106 million dollars, Android Tablet PC client sales for only $ 42 million.


黑色星期五iOS完胜,订单额为安卓3.5倍 - 黑色星期五,iPhone,iPad,安卓 - IT资讯





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