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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:53:58 Edit(编辑)
Why are Europe and the United States on a plane using a mobile phone, we cannot do so? ,

Why are Europe and the United States on a plane using a mobile phone, we cannot do so? ,(为什么欧美国家能在飞机上用手机,我们却不能?,)



Why are Europe and the United States on a plane using a mobile phone, China cannot do so? -Airplane, WiFi, mobile phone-IT news

Provision for prohibition against using cell phones in the plane in flight, public opinion has been debated. Supporters argue that this is related to flight safety. Opponents say, China and Europe and the United States are the same type of aircraft, why not open cell phone use as those countries do.

? Photo: Oriental IC

Science VS rules

Zhang was a radio enthusiast, some kind of electronic products for mobile phones. Every time I take a plane, he does not turn off my cell phone. "Advanced phone, will not cause interference to aircraft. "He selected a seat by the window, with a cell phone video views. He will also open the GPS using cell phones to map to see location. "Watch the planes fly over the mountains to the sea, it is also a fun journey. ”

However, he always blocked. Even escaped the stewardess scolded, he often was criticized by with older machines. Zhang will make older popular science, talk about why the phone would not affect safety, but older people do not listen to him.

? Film of the man to the embarrassed Thai embarrassing photos

Lao Zhou was an elder. When flying, he saw a young man does not turn off my cell phone furtively. "If provided to turn off my cell phone, it should abide by the rules. "This is week old point of view.

Small and old weekly debates, public opinion on the plane "cell phone bans" in miniature. Chamberlain's main arguments is used in China and Europe and the United States the same brands and the same type of aircraft, Europe and the United States has opened a "cell phone bans", but China is a long way off.

Europe and the United States: phone disabled open until 2013

? Photo: Oriental IC

Europe and the United States opened the plane's "cell phone bans" a long process. Aeronautical communication researcher Xie Ying introduced in 1958, the United States Federal Aviation Administration frequency modulation radio receiver can cause interference to aircraft navigation systems. Originally of electronic products such as hearing aids, electronic dictionary is also prohibited. With the rise of mobile phone products in the last century 890, phone is full in the aircraft is prohibited.

In 1991, the United States Federal Communications Commission think the scope of the use of mobile phones on airplanes larger than the scope of the phones on the ground, use the mobile phone signals will be received by many base stations on the ground, will cause interference on the ground network, also made clear the cell phone ban on request.

With the rapid development of mobile communications, wireless communication technology developed more and more fast, planes are increasingly taken into account in how to resist the interference of mobile phones and other devices. Cell phone ban was gradually relaxed. On October 31, 2013, the United States Federal Aviation Administration official, cancel the ban on cell phone use on board. Following Singapore, and Australia, and Brazil and other countries authorities also liberalised mobile phone ban in succession.


China not to boot, free flight models in foreign countries

Reporter visits including Air China, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, and the answer is the same: no opened mobile phone on the aircraft, not even flight patterns.

In this regard, the provisions of foreign airlines are not so consistent. Most airlines allow in-flight cell phone, but some allow texting, calling, and some only allow you to use flight mode on.

Singapore Airlines stated that in-flight use of mobile phones will have no impact on aircraft systems, you can select network connections on the flight, even using a mobile phone during the course of taxiing, takeoff and landing. Lufthansa Airlines, Qantas, South Africa aviation provides, it is possible to "airplane mode" use mobile phones, but during takeoffs and landings, many airlines are required to turn off the phone.

? One Japan Ana cabin passengers set to "airplane mode" smartphone (photo: Oriental IC)

Some airlines allow cell phone use, but not voice or video calls, such as United Airlines, Japan's all Nippon has a similar provision. United Kingdom provisions of the Virgin are broad, "some models reach a certain height or more can turn to open international roaming and calls and send and receive text messages. "Egypt air also allows A330-300 models use phone calls, send and receive text messages and the Internet.


There is no phone interference flight case

Two weeks ago, civil aviation administration of China published the revised draft civil aviation law, it is the Civil Aviation Act a major revision since its began in 1996. "Cell phone bans" exposure draft also explicitly prohibit illegal use of mobile phones. Violators could face fines of up to 50,000 yuan.

Beijing law society Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Zhang Qi Huai in counsel's view, the provisions of the civil aviation law draft on mobile phones, is relatively backward.

In his view, the present effects of mobile phones on aircraft flight interference, and its extent, there have been many investigations, research, and theory. CAAC provisions of the law on this issue should include treatments for other airlines, aircraft manufacturers, all prohibitions and restrictions are unreasonable.

Zhang Qi Huai believes that because cell phones use radio and radio belong to one of the aircraft used by the band, and likely to produce harmonic disturbances. But until now, because cell phone use caused a plane without any communication, navigation case of interference.

Aeronautical communications researcher:

Ban on open is the trend

Researchers introduced Xie Ying, China domestic flights, aircraft, 93% of aircraft for Boeing and Airbus, 5% to 6% for Bombardier, Ba Hang, the rest of the 1% for the Chinese domestic airliner. Aircraft hardware, China's domestic airlines are flying planes with no difference between American and European countries. In other words, using a mobile phone abroad has opened on the machine, China domestic routes also have the same hardware requirements.

Xie Ying said that the United States zhihou, two years in most countries in the world have opened up the machine for use on mobile phones. Current opening is conditional, it is only used in aircraft flight patterns, not make a voice call, and some airlines require may not use cell phones during takeoff and landing stages.

? Photo: Oriental IC

Outlook for China's opening up machine for use on mobile phones, Xie Ying described, this is "trending", is currently in the industry for comments. But, he said, this is not a simple one, relevant to the needs of policy preparation, technical preparation. He explained that the opening machine for use on mobile phones, not just the phone look a article, look up a Word, more importantly with mobile Internet access. In this regard, technical preparation of individual airlines for in-flight WIFI, there's more work to be done.

Xie Ying stressed that the current civil aviation law of comments, it is stressed that "illegal" penalties. He said that he supports opening machine for use on a mobile phone also supports opening for "illegal use" of heavy penalties. In his view, serious misuse of mobile phone acts that endanger flight safety, even into the penalty.

Recommended reading:

Play cell phones on a plane is expected to be lifted: Internet access tariffs would make it difficult, "meet the people"

为什么欧美国家能在飞机上用手机,中国却不能? - 飞机,WiFi,手机 - IT资讯




































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