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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:56:28 Edit(编辑)
United States captain 3 technology s b Guide: teach you to use American team tease sister,

United States captain 3 technology s b Guide: teach you to use American team tease sister,(《美国队长3》科技版装B指南:教你用美队撩妹,)



United States captain 3 technology s b Guide: teach you to use Mei Liao Mei-United States captain 3,AR,VR-IT information

Today is the beginning, and the air is filled with a breath of spring.

United States captain 3 tomorrow will released has, General as group in of boy are Qian days has set good movie votes, and about good sister, today has completely into top preparing for State (for loaded beep--do prepared), wanted finished all "help you Combs diffuse Granville big movie time line", and "diffuse Granville super hero Zhijian has what love hate imbroglio" like of Raiders.

Think sultry sister weapon of the year Star Trek when it was released, small as a pair of men and women sat in the front row.

Girl: "baby what he said, do not understand. ”

Man: "he just said &......% ¥% ¥, simply @# ¥ @# ¥ @# ¥ #......"

Throughout the movie there is no stop, know as the heart meditation "MD has finished", could not help but envy him a wuss and you'll gain the girl's esteem.

Girls love Tony Stark's ruffian, beauty's chest, the United States team 3 both relaxed and attract girls eye, can was a provocative potential. But unless your sister is a fan of man-power, or you talk about superhero story and timeline of the universe, sister is hard to call, may also feel that you are a "how to draw death".

Diffuse power chat universe much to say about beauty chest gay honey about widowed sister, the goddess is afraid to be jealous. Can talk iron man cool equipment, in particular his helmet.

(Last offer sister bragging beep-the correct posture. )

Iron Man helmet from chat

Exactly how Iron Man armor, the writers still had not found a suitable description of the method, so the Iron Man armor in the film is a huge pit.

A helmet, as iron man to fight. Because of the reasons mentioned earlier, movie scenes focused on armored neituoni·sitake will only control head.

Iron Man helmet equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) function.

By eye movements or language, Tony Stark makes a variety of information is displayed in the front, and then analyzed, emergencies can also link artificial intelligence Butler Jarvis seeking support, link intercede girlfriend pepper, both romantic and practical.

AR is VR, fans of silly confusion

Given the 45 pieces of play inferior VR recently unbridled, occupying a lot of playgrounds. Your fan may have only heard of VR heard AR, how do you tell them apart?

You could call it that: VR is to put you in a virtual environment, AR is the virtual objects in the world around you. When sister picked up eyebrows, is indefinitely when the killer resorted to this sentence: "VR is a dream, AR is hell. "Simplicity, individuality to the explosion.

VR as of the inception, build a virtual world, staying at home can go to another world is sleepwalking.

Dream girls touching the mirror, actually in the Office lies dreaming

A reflection is very hypothetical: If stun a person, on his VR machine, wait for him to wake up and think am going through to the other world, virtual world addiction never come out?

Stop it, put a helmet in your head you feel it?

AR, in all seriousness that, AR,Augmented Reality, Chinese technology is augmented reality. Through computer technology, AR real and virtual object overlay in real time to the same image or space, enabling them to exist.

April in Shenzhen on the one road show organized by HWTrek, augmented reality software and hardware development company's CTO Raymood Lo Meta Vision with their latest product--Meta 2 AR AR helmet made a presentation. By simulating the user view screen, the presence of the baby elephant watch Raymood Lo-profile virtuoso: calls a Meta 2 helmet of gestures used 3D images and split parts one by one. Subsequently, Raymood Lo AR helmet of communication called for field assistant, Assistant, "mail" is a 3D image, Raymood Lo telekinesis "catch" to your side, enlarged, off the audience cheered.

From a consumer's perspective is as follows:

Suspended, stereo, touch menu

Model building out of view

Can look at the cars (not the cars).

Iron man's old Butler, Zuckerberg also wants to

Two killed Tony Stark, in addition to the Iron Man armor, the other is Steward "Jarvis".

Jarvis was Tony Stark father's housekeeper, after his parents died, grew up under the care of Tony Stark in the Jarvis. Maybe Jarvis loves too deep, named after Tony Stark with Jarvis's own super artificial intelligence, virtual Butler.

Jarvis, the character man-Wai Carter agents appeared in the TV series, is iron man, father of Howard Butler

Manufacture of artificial intelligence work done by human beings, learning and evolution can be done on their own (conscious more than human children). It can not rely on human infused with existing knowledge, self-awareness can be independent thinking and evolution. (Sounds like play a game Deluxe Edition of virtual form. )

And Jarvis compared to players of the Alpha Dog is like a primitive man. Jarvis has independent judgment. 3 iron man, Tony Stark was deep fried Corona fell into deep water, has no way to manipulate Walker, Jarvis control arm from the armor and took Tony's hand and dragged him up, this is the result of independent judge and make decisions. Jarvis had very similar feelings and a sense of humor and humanity: try new armor iron man in the garage was blown (also! ), Jarvis opened immediately strength taunt: "see your work has always been a pleasure. ”

Jarvis is so cool, Zuckerberg also want one.

In a Facebook post, Zuckerberg said he wanted to create a home-artificial intelligence , so that he can use virtual reality visualization in a way. According to what he said, this is Ben Jarvis: "you can imagine it was Jarvis in iron man. "Zuckerberg said.

Besides smart stewards can understand human speech, Zuckerberg want intelligent stewards to help his friend, daughter, regulate the room temperature, turn on the lights ... ..., also hoped that the artificial intelligence, virtual reality, a variety of data visualization, to help him come up with a better solution, then helped him to lead his work more efficiently. (Smart housekeeper: "asking for so much, why don't you God. ”)

So the question came, learned so much to talk about, viewing the sister branch (Chui) General (NIU) what is the correct posture?

See, finish, then, said.

Watch strike force thanks to the film, and not afraid to hit you?

《美国队长3》科技版装B指南:教你用美队撩妹 - 美国队长3,AR,VR - IT资讯






















AR呢,正经地说,AR,Augmented Reality,中文是增强现实技术。通过电脑技术,AR把真实的环境和虚拟的物体实时地叠加到同一个画面或空间,让他们同时存在。

4月份在深圳一场由HWTrek举办的路演上,增强现实软硬件开发公司Meta Vision的CTO Raymood Lo用他们的最新AR产品——Meta 2 AR头盔做了一次演示。通过模拟使用者视角的画面,在场的小象围观了Raymood Lo高调炫技:用手势调出一个Meta 2头盔的3D影像,并将其部件一一拆分。随后,Raymood Lo用AR头盔的通讯功能打了个电话给场边的助手,当助手“递”出一个3D影像,被Raymood Lo隔空“抓”到自己身边,放大,场下的观众发出一阵欢呼。

















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