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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 11:57:34 Edit(编辑)
“Local despot qualification“ formula: come and figure out if you’re

“Local despot qualification“ formula: come and figure out if you’re(“土豪资格”计算公式:快来算算你是不是 )

"Local despot qualification" formula: come to the math formula for you-local tyrant, local despot-IT information "Local despot qualification" formula: come and figure out if you're

"Local despot" was recently very hot, but who can be a local despot, but people scratching their heads. Recently, a recruitment website gives an answer, "a decent index" above 0.7 local tyrant. This site also offers a "decent exponential formula", netizens have borrowed this formula to determine whether her life a "decent". Unfortunately, most of the participants do not meet the conditions of the local tyrant. Netizens said, "its only half a local tyrant, only half that, no tag". Most netizens expressed questioned this formula, which he said, "even if it's just living a normal life, but enough people in the rich world, has a heart, but more powerful enough to be overweening."

A decent index >0.7 is the local despot?

"Local despot" was recently very hot, not so long ago, a user on the Internet revealed annual salary in Beijing, asked a Netizen named "call your local despot". According to reports, the netizens with income of $ 300,000, his post has over more than 500 responses, endorsed by the most popular answer was a CEO recruiting Web site, made by the CEO, should make "a decent index formula" calculations alone count as a local tyrant.

What is a "decent exponential formula"? The formula for "decent index =1-decent revenue/expenditure". It is understood that the formula is a North Canton through the three top positions in the first-tier cities, six industry based on the survey, you can calculate a person in first-tier cities, life is decent. Among them, the "decent expenses" refers to food and clothing, lodging, tourism, entertainment, and daily expenses. "A decent index" higher life "respectability". According to the survey, Manager-level talent "a decent index" averaged 0.516, Director-level talent "a decent index" averaged 0.727, the survey concluded: a decent index >0.7, you are the local tyrant.

Survey also pointed out that the family (two people) for the estimate, to live decently, monthly expenses is as follows: mortgage of 3,000 yuan, travel 1500, eat 3,500 Yuan, shop 2000, there are all kinds of unplanned expenditures, at least need to spend 5,000 yuan per month to live a dignified life of the so-called local tyrant.

Internet users: quality of life varies

"Decent exponential formula" is released, causing a "universal computation". Do not live in North Canton, but many users also figured to see distance "local despot" or how far.

A Netizen named "@ shadow Yang," said he, "a decent index" of about 0.35. He is self-deprecating, "half a local tyrant, only half, no tag". Netizens also said spending more than their incomes, "a decent index" is a negative number. Also has non-local despot netizens joked "seeking various local despot refuge".

However, a number of low income users, has successfully insinuated herself into "local despot" because you will save, "no shopping, taking the bus to work, usually cook their own food, just a local despot". Although it is "pseudo local despot", but at least it proved that some netizens are really thrifty.

Most users on this "decent exponential formula" was being questioned. A Netizen named "@ blue amber stone" means quality of life varies, even though it reached 0.7, can live in style. "Currently living in the home, transportation costs 600 Yuan a month, eating 2000 Yuan, net purchase of 800 Yuan, annual travel spend per month on average 500 Yuan, 500 Yuan, a total of 4,400 Yuan, a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan, and decent index of about 0.27, didn't have any money left, but was cool." Users chirp says, "even if it's just living a normal life, but contentment, inner wealth of the world's people, but is powerful enough to be overweening. ”


“土豪资格”计算公式:快来算算你是不是 - 土豪公式,土豪 - IT资讯












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