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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:53:18 Edit(编辑)
Horton: shelled by Chinese netizens is a good thing,

Horton: shelled by Chinese netizens is a good thing,(霍顿:被中国网民炮轰应该是件好事,)



Horton: shelled by Chinese netizens should be good-Horton, Sun Yang, Olympic Games-IT information

On August 27, on the Olympic Games earlier this month, Australia player Houghton (Mack Horton) at the Rio Olympic Games men's 400 m freestyle final to beat Sun, also called Sun a "drug cheats" results the move incensed the Chinese netizens, his Ins to capture by Chinese netizens.

Recently, Horton after returning to Taiwan took part in a TV show, when the moderator asked him how to look when the infuriated Chinese Internet users, Horton said, this results in had no idea, but think the results were pretty good. This allows players to talk about clean sports topic, rather than Government what to do. Therefore, the eventual effect is supposed to be good for me.

Houghton also said that compared with China's 1.3 billion people, should only be a few of the angry netizens.

Then Holden was asked how Australia's Health Minister banned athletes about the recent sex-free, Horton just smiled awkwardly, until the camera moves.

霍顿:被中国网民炮轰应该是件好事 - 霍顿,孙杨,奥运会 - IT资讯

8月27日消息,在本月初的奥运会比赛上,澳大利亚选手霍顿(Mack Horton)在里约奥运会男子400米自由泳决赛中击败孙杨,并且还称孙杨为“嗑药的骗子”,结果此举彻底激怒了中国网民,他的Ins甚至因此被中国网民攻陷。




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