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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:52:39 Edit(编辑)
New Mint,18 for Linux

New Mint,18 for Linux (Sarah), theme appearance: flat wind Win10 blessings,(Linux新Mint,18(Sarah)主题亮相:Win10扁平风加持,)



New Linux Mint 18 (Sarah), debut themes: Win10 blessing flat wind-Linux,Win10 theme-IT information

IT the information Linux Mint 18 (Sarah) system is about to usher in the new Win10 theme Mint-Y flat style. The theme used in today's fashion and style design, more suitable for the aesthetic needs of new users.

Mint project leader says flat theme Mint-Y in line with the new trends and trends, 'Arc' and 'Moka' superior than it was before. New topics in the Linux Mint 18 (Sarah) appears in the version of Cinnamon, but not as the default theme, the original Mint-X theme still appears as the default system theme.

About Linux Mint systems:

Linux Mint was started in 2006 by the team of Linux Mint Team research and development is based on Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions. The system has a very mature software management using the latest Linux kernel, support XWayland,GNU, and Gnome desktops. This system is designed for home users and enterprises to provide a free, easy, comfortable and elegant desktop operating environment, the goal is to create a Windows user feel easy to use open source operating system. Linux Mint 18 will be released in May 2016 to June.

Linux新Mint 18(Sarah)主题亮相:Win10扁平风加持 - Linux,Win10主题 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 Linux Mint 18(Sarah)系统即将迎来全新Win10扁平风格主题Mint-Y。该主题采用当今流行元素和风格设计,更适合新用户的审美需求。

Mint项目负责人称,扁平化主题Mint-Y符合新趋势和潮流,比之前的‘Arc’和‘Moka’更胜一筹。新主题在Linux Mint 18(Sarah)的Cinnamon版本中出现,但并非作为该系统默认主题,原有Mint-X主题依然会作为默认系统主题出现。

关于Linux Mint系统:

Linux Mint是2006年开始由Linux Mint Team团队研发的基于Debian和Ubuntu的Linux发行版。该系统拥有十分成熟的软件管理,采用了最新的Linux内核,支持XWayland,GNU和Gnome桌面。这款系统旨在为家庭用户和企业提供一个免费的,易用的,舒适而优雅的桌面操作环境,目标是创造一个让Windows用户也感觉容易上手的开源操作系统。Linux Mint 18将于2016年5月至6月发布。

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