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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:49:00 Edit(编辑)
Renren CEO Chen yizhou live debut: singing songs, single income of over 100,000 yuan,

Renren CEO Chen yizhou live debut: singing songs, single income of over 100,000 yuan,(人人网CEO陈一舟直播首秀:演唱多首歌,单场收入超10万元,)



Renren CEO Chen yizhou live debut: singing songs, single income of over 100,000 yuan-renren, Chen-IT information

IT information news on August 17, renren CEO Chen yizhou take earnings last night of the communication on behalf of its own broadcast debut. Following Lei, old big brother after playing live on the Internet, Chen to be outdone. In yesterday's broadcast, made Chen the mood, singing songs, the first time in big brother live on the Internet seems to be, but "results communication" little talked about the results.

Chen's live debut yesterday, the main attraction is its high singing voice, singing of the Decade, the fragrant, long time no see and other songs, seems to be in a good mood. While big brothers sing, had many people, according to the statistics, this 49-minute broadcast, has accumulated more than 1.11 million users watch, get 240,000 praise, while personal income also exceeded 100,000 yuan.

All recently released the 2016 fiscal second-quarter ended June 30. Total net revenue was $ 14.4 million, up 38.5%. A net loss of $ 46.1 million, as compared to a net loss of $ 70.3 million in the same period. Positive earnings figures might account for Chen in a good mood. Moreover, reported the company Internet VAS revenue growth mainly due to my show business income growth and new business for all broadcast revenue for the quarter. Chen hard in the live show, it's easy to understand.

人人网CEO陈一舟直播首秀:演唱多首歌,单场收入超10万元 - 人人网,陈一舟 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月17日消息,人人网CEO陈一舟昨晚借财报沟通会的名义进行了其个人的直播首秀。继雷军、陈年等互联网大佬玩起直播后,陈一舟也不甘示弱。在昨天的直播中,陈一舟兴致大发,连唱了多首歌曲,这在互联网大佬的直播中似乎尚属首次,反而“财报沟通会”中关于财报的内容谈得很少。



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