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published in(发表于) 2016/6/18 12:51:31 Edit(编辑)
United States brain hole “burning man“: 330,000 yuan Spitfire mechanical giant Scorpion appeared in eBay,

United States brain hole “burning man“: 330,000 yuan Spitfire mechanical giant Scorpion appeared in eBay,(美国脑洞“火人节”:33万元喷火机械巨蝎现身eBay,)



United States brain hole "burning man": 330,000 yuan Spitfire mechanical giant Scorpion appeared in eBay-burning man Festival, scorpions, eBay-IT information

IT news , June 18, and United States "burning man Festival" began in 1986, is an annual United States Nevada Black Rock Desert event, nine days before the activity begins early on a Sunday and ends in United States labor day (first Monday of September) the same day. The event described by many participants as a community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance experiment. "Burning man" famous for its collection of whimsical and absurd, brings together all the wonders this Mania Festival in the desert. Recently, a claim that was in 1991, "burning man Festival" Carnival activities in the construction of "fire-breathing Scorpion mechanical truck" appear in eBay network, modelling, and in the movie Mad Max weird props have a fight.

This "Scorpion tank" was over 55 feet (16.76 m) long, up to 39-45 feet (11.8 and 13.7 meters) to female Emperor Scorpion the prototype of Fluffy, 7 machine controlled flamethrowers, 21 hydraulic movable joints. According to the description of the video, in the dark of night from the tail out violent flames, combined with intense music, watching mood can burn up.

The machinery of a giant Scorpion on eBay starting price of $ 50,000, about 330,000 yuan, estimated to have only a local can also enjoy this crazy.

Suddenly feel compared to China's Taobao, eBay is a birth beyond the imagination of the place of goods.

Video: click here to watch

美国脑洞“火人节”:33万元喷火机械巨蝎现身eBay - 火人节,蝎子,eBay - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月18日消息,美国“火人节”始于1986年,是一年一度在美国内华达州黑石沙漠举办的活动,九天的活动开始于前一个星期天,结束于美国劳工节(九月第一个星期一)当天。这个活动被许多参与者描述为社区,激进的自我表达,以及彻底自力更生的实验。“火人节”以集异想天开与荒诞之大成而著称,一切奇事都汇集到这个沙漠中的狂热节日中。而近日,一架声称是在1991年“火人节”狂欢活动中建造的“喷火蝎子机械卡车”现身eBay网,那造型,和电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中各种诡异的道具有一拼。





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