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published in(发表于) 2016/7/8 10:31:53 Edit(编辑)
When deadly should live? ,

When deadly should live? ,(出人命时该不该直播?,)



When deadly should live? -Live Webcast-IT information

United States Philando Castille African-American shooting victim was shot shortly after his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds immediately live on Facebook, watch and share high point is raised.

Live video, the victim's girlfriend, while dialogue with the police, while describing the incident, also lives at risk live camera covered with blood boyfriend, live television, boyfriend seemed to died in the gun. Live view also are staggering: video out of 3.7 million watched, and was reprinted 300,000 times.

Abroad for live broadcast on Facebook talking about the shooting. But Facebook says it will not interfere in this video broadcast, because it helps the openness of the political process.

Should live

The shooting, life, blood, death cases, should we live? Or, can you live? Zuckerberg Facebook open global live says:

Facebook will support in any form, personalized, emotional, heartfelt, original broadcast content.

But "shot live with death" is Facebook really have feelings from the heart you want live content?

During the Dragon Boat Festival this year, Dr x-a review of the story of the cruel bottom: a video software for China's countryside became the Internet's biggest conversation piece. Article describes quick live on violence, vulgar display low comedy or live content that does not meet the common sense, at an alarming rate. And apart from being pushed up into the air waves with practiced hands, live the chaos also has been controversial.

Recently, new rules to regulate the live status of Ministry of culture, anchor once on "blacklist" banned across the country. What will blacklist it? Animal cruelty, violence, pornography, terrorism, masochistic behavior once found will be punished.

The circular pointed out that performers should be law and regulation in network performance, may not contain vulgar, pornographic or violent content prohibited by national laws and regulations, such as network performance. Violation will be confiscated, and a fine serious cases, ordered closed until the revocation of the Internet culture operation license constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Notification requirements, around focus investigation provides ban content, illegal violations network performances activities including: provides contains Internet culture management provisional provides 16th article provides of ban content, or using human defects or to show human variation, way touting user, or to terrorist, and cruel, and torn performances who physical and mental health, way and to abuse animal, way for of network performances activities; using illegal violations culture products carried out of network performances activities ; To style network show vulgar advertisements and promotion, and so on.

In other words, described in the article about the cruel bottom live in after the introduction of the circular will be banned.

How live content?

Statistics show that online live streaming platform in China last year has nearly 200, the number of users had reached 200 million, live market has reached 9 billion yuan. The first half by 2016, and still growing rapidly.

Live now, most still show traces of each live is designed for the same performance. Live to eat, sleep and other trivial and boring things to see. Growing army of live, who can win, which has not yet receded, win or lose is uncertain.

What content should live? This argument cannot be concluded. Now the same live, sing and talk in future developments are subject to change. On the broadcast, according to a public market research, audience thinking that the live broadcast of up to 80% is the key to quality content and interactivity. Wait until the full arrival of the era of live, live content may be more diverse, but specifications, in addition to supervision, netizens will have to see where the point of interest with a view.

出人命时该不该直播? - 直播,网络直播 - IT资讯

美国枪击案受害人非裔美国人Philando Castille被枪击后不久,其女友Diamond Reynolds在Facebook上立刻直播,引发观看和分享高峰。
















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