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Amoy sea products how to rights? ,

Amoy sea products how to rights? ,(海淘问题产品如何维权?,)



Amoy sea products how to rights? -Haitao-IT information

Intended to return to fair taxation of cross-border e-commerce deal, have become key proposition has little relationship with the tax itself.

If import B2C (business to consumer) cross-border e-commerce sales of goods will be completely "sunshine" imports by general trade, the bulk of national application or registration in the cosmetics, food, health care products, can enter the free trade zone. The logic behind it is, from the food and drug supervision, General Administration of quality supervision, local import and export inspection and quarantine-related control sector point of view, if the goods are not in the traditional strict regulation, if a major problem in the future, who is responsible for responsibility?

It also unveiled "the grey sea Amoy" has hidden since birth without problems: If consumers cross-border e-commerce platform, purchase substandard or counterfeit products, and how rights?

With the rise of the Internet, the issue has become a multidisciplinary, cross-border problem in the world.

Milk powder for testing standard: children "disease"

Reporters interviewed more than 20 sea Amoy new MOM and dad, everyone has a fake "revolt" bitter tears.

Xiaoqian (not her real name) is a high-tech company's white-collar workers in Shanghai, around 2012 to prepare children, affected by the people around them, formally opened their escalating scouring the sea process. In the process, she never imagined that, if bought substandard product will normally return problems.

Starting from pregnancy, she joined a larger Hai Tao Group, the group is mostly for pregnant mothers or children before 3 years old new to MOM and dad. In order to enable future baby safe baby products, she began to diligently search all kinds of information, and Hai Tao Group of moms feel free to explore, and gradually acquired a "kungfu".

"I am most worried about, is to buy a fake. "Xiaoqian told reporters, her first product, was the continuing scandal of infant formula in China.

She is also 800 g, A2 bullpen, love his beauty at a local upscale supermarket of more than 400 Yuan per pot. But high prices are not reassuring. Because it was found that the part milk really milk cans filled fake milk powder, it is impossible to distinguish between true and false.

Xiaoqian fed breast milk in nearly a year, find a friend to purchase half a year, and through acquaintances guaranteed domestic cross-border e-commerce buy for half a year. Sometimes directly from overseas Web sites such as Amazon direct mail as a way to buy milk. In the process of child development, she constantly tries to never buy different brands, different sources, minimizing this risk.

"I changed a lot of origin and brand, in Europe, the United States and China's standard formulations differ, but the ultimate test is that children eat without getting sick, everything is good milk. "She taught the reporter experiences," learn to research information, such as the fake accident last Mei Su, authentic elements of beauty, there is a problem, it is called meisuli. ”

In addition, Xiaoqian solutions from various forums and friends, while logistics displayed some goods sent from overseas, and overseas are actually fakes fill more, directly from one place to another place to dock, even if it is "imported".

Haitao difficult process made her too busy to take into account human rights issues, only the smooth shipment receipt.

First of all is the lack of sources. Overseas Web sites will also limit the number of purchased products, and both Haitao and cross-border e-commerce, are often out of stock. She dare not buy too much at once, "Customs checks more rigid over the years, I almost every overseas transport companies will be found. ”

In addition to powdered milk, she and many new parents, scouring the sea many baby products that are not, such as health care, baby pharmaceuticals and skin care products.

Imports as domestic cross-border B2C e-Commerce's gradual rise Xiaoqian also began shipping more efficient platform to buy a product, but a variety of fake rumours can't make her at ease. Her Trustees, and have a friend internal security platform will dare to use.

However, quality problems encountered in all new parents interviewed by this reporter, a mother once had only wanted the idea of complaints. She grooves to the reporter, from a large e-commerce platform buy a certain brand of baby diapers, and from Japan version of human flesh back to sizes, easy to tear, suspected to be substandard. Because usually all home help for the elderly, with nearly half only to find. Reflecting customer service, it's no use. Because she is too busy to nothing.

More than three international trade insiders told reporters, imports of fake goods in China is a systemic problem .

In traditional B2B import process, General agent of some brands, such as formula milk agent, there may be in the process of distributing goods, real milk powder mixed with lower quality, but can also eat fake milk powder, sold to dealers.

" Made in China too ' strong ', is impossible. "One familiar with the matter said," If the product was not the brands direct, but by all levels of agents, it is easy to go wrong. ”

In fact, in Shanghai, was forced in Amoy Chinese consumers on the road, a significantly large and most of the crowd was kind of fakes for the mother and a "zero tolerance" of middle-class new parents.

Consumer demand, concerns the highly standardized, easily through overseas bulk import into cross-border e-commerce warehouse, and then to mail the Department of maternal and child items, it is "sunshine" generally accounted a higher category.

Customs official had said to the reporter, such high consumer demand, high standardization of the people's livelihood products (baby products, health products, cosmetics), was encouraged by initial pilot cross-border e-commerce.

Xinhua previously reported, food, drugs, cosmetics, health products, milk powder a few categories, domestic consumer demand, high degree of standardization in delivery mode, easy access to domestic warehouse merchandise, but also "sunshine" cross-border B2C e-commerce inventory the largest category. Instead of the standard types of personalized products, such as handbags, clothing, shoes, etc, formal businesses were more likely shipped warehouse direct mail from overseas.

Originally designed the system's basic idea is that these consumers through cross-border purchases of imported products, default to individuals abroad to buy consumer goods. But with Amoy or purchasing different is, purchased through the platform, most items can enjoy "no reason to return within seven days" or partially resolved after the issue by complaints.

A electrical contractor who provided the reporter with a set of customs data, in 2015, the cross-border import bonded overall size of 17.6 billion yuan. According to incomplete statistics, Hai Tao scale 300 billion yuan last year, overseas travel for 1.5 trillion yuan.

Zhejiang University City College Associate Professor Wang Haobai estimated by Customs data, including grey, Haitao, the B2C industry-wide imports of 1 trillion yuan considering policy changes in the next five years will be increased to 1.2 trillion yuan.

Such a huge market, how to regulate and protect consumers to avoid high risk events such as mass food safety, is currently important issues policymakers need to be taken into account.

The stone of his mountain

With cross-border e-commerce sweeps the world, how consumers rights under the era, has become a global problem.

In the traditional trade cases, if things go wrong, consumers can find a dealer if bulk problems, brand recall is also enabled. Online cross-border platform, is far more complex.

"If I got on the cross-border e-commerce do not pass/fake, Government, e-commerce platform, the overseas suppliers how to divide responsibility? consumers looking for who?"

Behind this seemingly simple question has a complex meaning. Oxford University "consumer item in China," Director Yu Ying said, the problem across the e-commerce platform, consumers are dispute resolution, private international law fields. Due to the legal systems of each country are not the same, join international organizations, the implementation of the Convention is not consistent, there is no fixed answer.

For instance, EU businesses bought things that consumer disputes, you first need to determine where litigation in China and the European Union, applicable state law, if there is a verdict, which national execution is also needed. Implementation and when faced with a choice. Under Chinese law, the platform does not assume responsibility; but EU law provides that a platform needs to take responsibility. Therefore, it is very complex.

Some imported cross-border e-commerce told reporters that some of the current measures, is through market solutions to consumer demand. For example, if a merchant of consumer complaints and confirmed facts, e-commerce platform can directly ask the merchants even branded off the shelf, there is a strong deterrent. Many platform releases a clear consumer protection regulations and guidelines.

But than glumes found in field research, the situation is not so simple. Many problems is the platform that cannot be solved, like many businesses play a shot for a place, with multiple ID account, off the shelf, raised again with other identities. At present, because the Government has not authorized the identification ID card information to enterprises and, therefore, this vulnerability is hard to fill.

"A lot of consumers blindly trust imported commodities is more secure, but is not necessarily the case, mainly because the creditworthiness of domestic products is not enough. "She said.

From the perspective of the actual operation, than glumes recommendations can refer to United States practice, relating to security of the person's livelihood products, similar to domestic compulsory insurance when purchasing a car, forcing manufacturers, distributors to buy product liability insurance.

In her view, in any country, relatively mature companies and individual consumers is the weaker party.

According to EU just, and consumers and gender equal General announced of material, annual EU about has one-fifth of residents in consumption process in the encountered problem, which only has 2% of consumers used has litigation of way solution disputes, which caused of consumers loss equivalent to full EU GDP of 0.4%; and in across border trading in the produced of problem, to consumers caused of loss estimated in 500 million to 1 billion euro Zhijian.

In this regard, the EU special investment funds, establish online dispute resolution platform "TheOnlineDisputeResolution (ODR) platform" approach to help consumers lower costs to resolve cross-border human rights issues.

Adopted by the European Parliament and the European Commission in May 2013, consumer ADR directive and the consumer ODR Ordinance.

Then on the basis of the two pieces of legislation of the European Union, put 4.586 billion euros related to the financial support and manpower support, ODR platform for pan-European, the platform has been officially opened in early 2016. The EU is expected, if cross-border obstacles for remote consumption can be excluded, EU remote consumer market will expand 190 billion euros.

Yu Ying believes that another problem in China is that China's consumer protection organizations or quasi-government organizations, whether financing is right, there are bottlenecks. "China consumers ' Association is in similar institutions in the world, only organizations that did not include members of the average consumer. ”

Xu Mingyan UNCTAD served as United Nations experts on antitrust and consumer protection laws. She told reporters, as the subject of consumer empowerment, consumer protection organization system in China on the official and semi-official restricted function, joint voluntary groups usually do better than national executive power. Need to actively encourage and promote consumer organizations as soon as possible to a more socialized transition according to market laws.

海淘问题产品如何维权? - 海淘 - IT资讯















































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