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published in(发表于) 2016/8/5 10:43:17 Edit(编辑)
Mayer: intends to stay, see Yahoo opened a new chapter in the

Mayer: intends to stay, see Yahoo opened a new chapter in the(梅耶尔:打算留任,目睹雅虎开启新篇章,)



Mayer: intends to remain seen opens a new chapter in the Yahoo-Mayer, and Yahoo-IT information

IT information on August 4, not long ago, Verizon spent $ 4.83 billion acquisition of Yahoo's Internet core networks and media business, and this transaction has access to Yahoo's Board of Directors agreed. As Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer said in a media interview about hanging some opinions on the deal.

Mayer believes that Yahoo's core networking and media business for sale to Verizon can make sure the digital advertising and Internet business continuity, enormous trade opportunities are available, which is accountable to the shareholders the best.

In order to take into account the company's business selling and restructuring earlier this year, Mayer said, she was responsible for Yahoo's operations, while assessing the Yahoo sale, but also absorb the new members of the Board of Directors.

As to whether the future will remain in Yahoo, Mayer says, I'm going to stay, I like the company, I would like to see Yahoo opened a new chapter. Meyer hopes they can develop their skills in design and artificial intelligence.

梅耶尔:打算留任,目睹雅虎开启新篇章 - 梅耶尔,雅虎 - IT资讯





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