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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:34:58 Edit(编辑)
2016 Q1 worldwide mobile phone shipments: Huawei, OPPO, VIVO into the top five, millet, Lenovo fell out,

2016 Q1 worldwide mobile phone shipments: Huawei, OPPO, VIVO into the top five, millet, Lenovo fell out,(2016年Q1全球手机出货量:华为、OPPO、vivo进前五,小米、联想跌出,)



2016 Q1 worldwide mobile phone shipments: Huawei, OPPO, VIVO into the top five, dropped-millet millet, Lenovo, Lenovo, OPPO,vivo-IT information

Rose 0.2% only global smart phone shipments slowed in the first quarter of this year hit a record low. In fact, this is not surprising, because this is already in the industry expected. However, shipments in the latest rankings, competition among mobile phone manufacturers are becoming more brutal.

IDC's latest data show 2016 rankings in shipments in the first quarter, Samsung, Apple, and Huawei occupy the first three, but Lenovo and millet slid out of the top five. Meanwhile, OPPO and vivo into one of the top five. Host and fell out of favor, which causes concern to the industry.

OPPO, and Vivo: benefit from offline channels to pick up

OPPO 18.5 million units in shipments in the first quarter of 2016, 5.5% market share, ranking fourth, to 14.3 million units in shipments the Vivo mobile phone company ranked fifth market share 5.3%.

It is understood that two mobile phone manufacturers started rising last year. In the view of the industry, the value of offline channels for a long time without attention from the trade, but with the 2015 line channels fight more and more intense, dividends and less, VIVO, and OPPO this traditional lines brand gradually emerged .

According to 2015 OPPO mobile phone sales reach 50 million units. Among them, the main fast charge technology, 2499 R7 series contribution. At present, OPPO has nearly 200,000 sales outlets nationwide. With "brother" vivo 40 million in sales last year, has nearly 180,000 sales outlets nationwide.

Offline channels for those who want to layout the other phone brands, OPPO, VIVO advantages are very clear, with good products, also maintained a steady increase in the rivalry.

According to a channel about Tencent technology revealed, VIVO, OPPO, two years below the line channel model, already deep into the first outside in most parts of the city, coupled with perennial variety show marketing, product and brand premium ability.

According to sanofi announced 2015 years 2000-2999 Yuan price TOP5 brand sales and market share statistics, OPPO, VIVO first two, to have such a performance is the key point to offline channels hold the plate and control.

Huawei: the overseas market contributed greatly

On the rate of Huawei rose 3%, higher market share jumped to 8.2%,OPPO 3.3% to 5.5%,VIVO up to 4.3%. Is behind the growth of the three in the steady erosion of Samsung, Apple's market share.

Samsung continues to preoccupy the market first, but its shipments fell 0.1% to 81.9 million, shares fell to 24.5%; the Apple comes in second because iPhone6 and iPhone6s sales failed to reach the expected shipments fell 3%, accounted for 15.3% of the market share.

Huawei handset shipments over the same period rose 17.4 million to 27.5 million, of which overseas markets contributed a lot. According to Huawei's consumer business has announced first quarter of 2016, global performance shows that Huawei Smartphone shipments grew 62%, sales rose 63%. Among them, the overseas sales has a very large share of the market.

Especially of renewing Mate 7 Mate 8 of 599 euro premium market position. According to its figures, from late last year listed so far, Mate 4 months 8 global sales exceeded 4 million. Consumers that Huawei CEO Yu talks about latest P9 sales, "said Huawei is growing faster in Europe, Europe's market size and large capacity, Huawei wants to occupy a leading position on high-end machines in Europe. ”

Instead, Samsung not fared well in Europe. Last year, Samsung's sales in Europe fell from 18% to 42.95 trillion won. In order to recoup their losses in Europe, Samsung in Europe to carry out strategic reorganization of the business, giving up Lionel Messi as a spokesperson is one of cost-saving decisions.

In addition, Samsung's European Headquarters from London to Poland's capital Warsaw, while Samsung's flagship store in London also closed. Samsung last year, plans to open 50 new stores will also be shelved ...

Millet and associated pressure

In the past few years, phone through the cost-effective online channel sales of smart phones and social media campaigns, leveraging the rise of China's Smartphone market to achieve a rapid development of the self. But as the last year online bonus disappear, phone out insufficient.

Last year, the millet failed to complete sales of 80 million to 100 million phone idea, final score of 70 million. Due to the sliding out of the top five, IDC did not give out phone sales this quarter alone.

But according to outside sources, millet smartphones shipped 14.8 million units in the first quarter of this year. Lei, Chairman of millet had previously said that, in the product structure adjustment, red 3 (699) and red rice Note3 (899) stock cases, this result is very good.

Due to the current growth of millet is mainly dependent on the Chinese market, so prepared for the competition lay hidden in the Chinese market and in overseas markets, phone due to patent problems delay large scale deployment. Beginning in overseas markets, the domestic market faced the siege, also leads to phone slipped out of the top five.

Lenovo Smartphone seems to have reached a degree of adjustment is not available. Gartner data showed, even with Delta MOTO, its 2015 global sales are still falling 11.9%. Global mobile phone sales rose 14.3%.

Industry analysts noted that Lenovo mobile phones businesses the biggest problem lies in its chaos strategy in the past, too many brands, there is no clear brand positioning, especially look to the MOTO brand opens China's high-end market, because how many times agonizing, MOTO brand in the Chinese market have been seriously hurt, this Association did not recognize .

At present, the Lenovo brand is reshaping the phone business. Last year took over the business, Senior Vice President, mobile business group co-President Xudong Chen puts focus on products, plans to upgrade the quality of products.

Xudong Chen's plan, MOTO will cover for people interested in technology; ZUK will hit the mainstream price segment and change the past, only to do online, will transform into a line-oriented brand; lemon assumed Internet marketing product lines; p series to continue iterating, aimed at business people emphasize long standby.

This required the final planning, the Lenovo Mobile will turn marketing and sales to verify.

2016年Q1全球手机出货量:华为、OPPO、vivo进前五,小米、联想跌出 - 小米,联想,OPPO,vivo - IT资讯














尤其是599欧元的Mate 8延续了Mate 7的高端市场位置。据华为的数据显示,从去年年末上市至今,4个月里Mate 8全球销量已突破400万部。以至于华为消费者CEO余承东在谈及最新的P9销量时表示,“华为在欧洲增长越来越快,欧洲的市场规模容量大,华为希望在欧洲高端机上占据领先地位。”













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