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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 8:47:57 Edit(编辑)
Play boys gone, the next round of YY turn the voice? ,

Play boys gone, the next round of YY turn the voice? ,(快播倒掉后,下一轮该轮到YY语音了?,)

Play boys gone, the next round of YY turn the voice?
-YY,9158, broadcast to close-IT news Play boys gone, the next round of YY turn the voice?

May 27, today there are rumours, YY, 9158 domestic video interactive community will become a national "anti-pornography" the next wave of action focus on reorganization of enterprises. In this regard, 9158 Dove group public statements the parent company denied it.

Officials say 9158 video k-songs, dating chat, interactive multiplayer video communities, make full use of various technological tools, manual monitoring, user information and other means to crack down on pornographic dissemination of information and strict regulation on wheat users on all video, any indecent text content is subject to strict screening of the keyword filtering system.

In addition, 9158 alleges that its in 2011, with the Ministry of public security conducted a survey on the Internet platform of drug-related illegal and criminal arrests, eventually discovered China's first use of Internet video dating platform for drug-related illegal and criminal activities of mega-network case.

Recently, the national "anti-pornography" Working Group Office, national Internet Information Office, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and other departments recently unified across the country launched the "anti-pornography · NET 2014" initiative. As operations expand, there are already a number of domestic Internet companies were investigated for this action, Sina, seeding and other Internet companies are involved. Fast seeding being investigated on suspicion of spreading pornographic and pirated content, and sky-high fines received 200 million yuan of the Shenzhen authorities.

Because outgoing erotic edge online fashion industry had earlier reported that the rumor has it that trades will also become the focus of department concerned the next wave treatment, Dove group said today, expected to strongly support and to respond positively to this initiative and take practical and effective measures to fully cooperate with government authorities to crack down pornographic information dissemination.


快播倒掉后,下一轮该轮到YY语音了? - YY,9158,快播关闭 - IT资讯







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