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published in(发表于) 2016/7/11 12:10:33 Edit(编辑)
Facebook live black people were shooting, Zuckerberg issued condolences

Facebook live black people were shooting, Zuckerberg issued condolences(Facebook直播黑人被枪杀事件,扎克伯格发文哀悼,)



Facebook live black people were shooting, Zuckerberg issued a condolence-Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) post information on social media platforms, mourning the July 6 United States police shooting of black feilanduo·kasidiliya (Philando Castile).

Mark Zuckerberg

The night of July 6, Philando Castile Afro man on my way home from rear lamps damaged police stopped by Minnesota, reached for documents, was shot and killed by police. His girlfriend daimeng·leinuo (Diamond Reynolds) and sat in the back seat of the 4 year old daughter witnessed the whole process.

Feilanduo·kasidiliya (Philando Castile)

Girlfriend in Castile via live Facebook after being shot in the crime scene, said police shot at Castile four or five times in the video. Girlfriend said Castile Frank he has a gun to the police, he takes during a police officer to shoot. At present, the views on the video on its Facebook page has more than 5 million times.

Castile was killed a few days later, Facebook headquarters set up "focus on black life (Black Lives Matter)" sign, and lists the victims ' names. United States has also set off around BLM (Black Lives Matter) demonstrations.

Facebook headquarters erected "Black Lives Matter" logo

"I of Castile family had also suffered and expressed deep sympathy for the family, I, like all members of the Facebook community, deeply disturbed for such events. ”

Zuckerberg published information expressed sympathy for Castile family and hope that such incidents do not happen again, and call on everyone to unite, to build an open, caring society.

Facebook直播黑人被枪杀事件,扎克伯格发文哀悼 - Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯

Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在社交媒体平台发布信息,哀悼7月6日被美国警方射杀的黑人菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚(Philando Castile)。


7月6日晚,非裔男子Philando Castile在回家路上因车尾灯损坏被明尼苏达州警方拦下,伸手取证件时,被警察开枪射杀。其女友戴蒙·雷诺(Diamond Reynolds)及坐在后座的4岁女儿目睹了全过程。

菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚(Philando Castile)


Castile被杀几日后,Facebook总部竖起“关注黑人生命(Black Lives Matter)”标志,并列出受害者名字。美国各地也先后掀起BLM(Black Lives Matter)游行。

Facebook总部竖起“Black Lives Matter”标志



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