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published in(发表于) 2016/7/2 6:22:32 Edit(编辑)
HP certified “scrap heap“ sued Oracle: Court to pay 3 billion dollars

HP certified “scrap heap“ sued Oracle: Court to pay 3 billion dollars(惠普凭“一堆废铁”起诉甲骨文:法院判赔30亿美元,)



HP certified "scrap heap" sued Oracle: Court to pay 3 billion dollars-Oracle, HP-IT information

On July 2, according to foreign reports, Oracle spokeswoman said on Thursday that United States State of California a jury case ordered Oracle to HP Itanium Server Enterprise award of US $ 3 billion.

Oracle said it will appeal against the verdict.

Itaniuum (Itanium) chips developed by Intel. In 2011, Oracle decided to stop developing software for HP servers based on Itaniuum chip, claiming that Intel has made it clear that would stop the production of such chips, instead focusing on developing x86.

But the company said it had signed agreements with Oracle requires Oracle continues to develop software for the Itaniuum server. Because there is no corresponding software, HP Itaniuum server is a pile of scrap metal.

In 2012, the first phase of the proceedings, the judges of the Superior Court of Santa Clara zhanmushi·kelaiyinbo (James Kleinberg) determined that the two companies have signed contracts, and should act in accordance with the contract. On Thursday, the jury sentenced Oracle needs to pay compensation to HP.

"HP is very satisfied with the verdict of the jury. The verdict confirmed that HP is aware of things and compelling evidence of things. "HP enterprise's Executive Vice President and General Counsel John Schultz (John Schultz) said in a statement. He also said Oracle's decision to discontinue development software for the Itaniuum Server "a clear violation of the contract".

In a statement, the Chief Consultant for Oracle duolian·Dali (Dorian Daley), ever since the kelaiyinbo Oracle, the judge ordered execution of the contract, the company has been providing the latest software for Itaniuum server.

"Right now, the two trial results have come out, we think today's ruling and last appeal against the verdict. "Dali said.

惠普凭“一堆废铁”起诉甲骨文:法院判赔30亿美元 - 甲骨文,惠普 - IT资讯





在2012年第一阶段的审理过程中,圣克拉拉高级法院的法官詹姆士·克莱因伯(James Kleinberg)判定,这两家公司之间签有合同,应该按照合同办事。而在本周四,陪审团则宣判甲骨文需要向惠普支付赔偿款。

“惠普对于陪审团的判决结果感到非常满意。这项判决结果肯定了惠普已知道的事情和强有力的证据证明的事情。”惠普企业的常务副总裁兼总顾问约翰·舒尔茨(John Schultz)在一项声明中说。他还表示甲骨文停止为Itaniuum服务器开发软件的决定“明显违反了合同”。

在一项声明中,甲骨文总顾问多利安·达利(Dorian Daley)称,自从克莱因伯法官勒令甲骨文执行合同以来,该公司一直在为Itaniuum服务器提供最新的软件。


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