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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:52:11 Edit(编辑)
Foreign adult dating sites are hacker “down“: the 40 million user data black market explosions,

Foreign adult dating sites are hacker “down“: the 40 million user data black market explosions,(国外成人交友网站被黑客“推倒”:4000万用户资料成黑市爆款,)



Foreign adult dating sites are hacker "down": the 40 million user data black market explosions-adult sites, hackers, privacy-IT information

Recently, the well-known foreign Fling adult dating website hacked, user registration information flowing out of the 40 million Fling, hacking into the famous dark network up for sale on the black market The Real Deal, becoming "explosive." The hackers called Peace in Mind (inner peace).

Fling is an adult dating Web sites in foreign countries, and their Slogan is "one man/sister's tear down tonight! "Sites like this often brings together a large number of users, so they can easily become the target of hacker attacks now, Fling the hacker to capture, even worse is, the website includes information on 40 million registered users by the hacker to sell on the black market, caused a sensation. This information includes the user's email address, login name, clear-text passwords, history log IP addresses, birthdays, and even sexual orientation. According to reports, the information of registered users are overwhelmingly male, what the hell ... ...

The instigator of the incident, hackers Peace in Mind to the pricing information is 0.8888 coins, US $ 400, RMB 2599 Yuan. May be priced too high, and shortly afterwards, he kept the price down to 0.6450 coins, $ 295, 1916 Yuan. Not yet know exactly what the hacker hacked the websites to obtain information.

The funny thing is, when users suspect that an adult site how can have as many as 40 million registered users, Fling official still stand up rumor: who says we don't have so many users? We have 50 million registered users!

国外成人交友网站被黑客“推倒”:4000万用户资料成黑市爆款 - 成人网站,黑客,隐私 - IT资讯

近日,国外知名成人交友网站Fling遭黑客入侵,4000万Fling的用户注册信息流出,被黑客放到著名暗网黑市The Real Deal上挂牌出售,成为“爆品”。这位黑客名为 Peace in Mind(内心的平静)。


这次事件的始作俑者,黑客Peace in Mind给这些信息的定价是0.8888比特币,合400美金,2599元人民币。也许是觉得定价太高了,不久之后他又把价格降为了0.6450比特币,合295美金,1916元人民币。目前还不知道这名黑客究竟是用什么方法黑掉这家网站获取信息的。


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