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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:42:09 Edit(编辑)
Warcraft burst behind the fire: the League of legends will also film,

Warcraft burst behind the fire: the League of legends will also film,(《魔兽》爆火的背后:传《英雄联盟》也将电影化,)



Warcraft burst behind the fire: the League of legends will also film-LOL, League of legends, Wow-IT information

IT news movie news in many people's feelings after the first jet of Warcraft, the industry also began to focus on the game IP based on the enormous potential of the film, in fact, many Chinese gamers, market potential should not be underestimated.

In addition to Warcraft, IP potential next game is who? From the customer, Word of mouth, LOL great popularity to become the next movie game. Tencent said, did not rule out the possibility of television adaptation the League of legends, but respect for IP development and operation of the laws of the game, there is no value of the released film stage, and throughout the development process must respect the opinions of his fist .

Currently Tencent is gradually built a perfect of game ecological circle, game movie of regardless of for audience also is players also or manufacturers for are is big good, LOL has some doujin adapted, "in pan entertainment this a, we has been in and developers there in communication, but long of time launched to, this is developers there to led of, we cannot simple to do a movie to money, but to do a quality of works to maintenance hero Union of value.

《魔兽》爆火的背后:传《英雄联盟》也将电影化 - LOL,英雄联盟,魔兽 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 在不少人的情怀电影《魔兽》首捷之后,业界也开始关注起了游戏IP改编电影的巨大潜力,事实上中国游戏玩家众多,潜在市场不可小觑。



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