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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:19:54 Edit(编辑)
News: NetEase cloud music server failure,

News: NetEase cloud music server failure,(快讯:网易云音乐服务器现故障,)



News: music server fault-NetEase NetEase cloud cloud music-IT information

IT information news on May 12, and according to a lot of user feedback, NetEase tonight music appeared unable to load music lists, and failure of playing songs, suspected to be the event of a server failure.

Many users on NetEase music micro-comment below, reflect their server fails. But after IT measured information edit, user feedback problem does not occur, so guess this should only affect some users, current officials also did not respond.

快讯:网易云音乐服务器现故障 - 网易云音乐 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月12日消息,据不少网友反馈,今晚网易云音乐出现无法加载音乐列表以及播放歌曲失败的问题,疑似其服务器遇故障。


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