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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:34:54 Edit(编辑)
In order to protect minors, United Kingdom 20% sites are blocked,

In order to protect minors, United Kingdom 20% sites are blocked,

In order to protect minors, United Kingdom 20% sites are blocked-United Kingdom site shielding, protection of minors-IT news In order to protect minors, United Kingdom 20% sites are blocked

On July 5, according to foreign media reports, according to the open rights group in Europe (Open Rights Group) has recently carried out a survey, in order to prevent minors under the influence of adult Web content, United Kingdom Internet service provider (ISP) is now blocking the country about one-fifth sites.

What's interesting is, ISP errors some website without any harm to minors, now United Kingdom users cannot log on to the Web site. For example, one intended for education purposes after pregnancy counseling Web sites have also been blocked; there is also a Porsche prices and consulting firms have also been United Kingdom O2 Mobile and broadband service providers block.

Although the United Kingdom Government has failed to force ISP to take these measures, but the United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron is very supportive of the ISP's move. In 2013, Cameron had to attend a Conference on the fight against Internet pornography, and delivered a speech, the paper puts forward to protect those who are innocent minors in Internet.

European jimu·jierluoke, Executive Director of the open rights group (Jim Killock), said: "through the shield project, we will be able to find Internet filter. Our report has shown that, in the United Kingdom about one-fifth's site has been blocked. Some questions may be even worse than we thought. ”

There Web site errors, in this regard, the European open rights group also said different website filter the security levels of protection are not the same, so Web site for a different protocol, shielding differences also exist. European open rights group says, will carry out a test in the future and considering developing more stringent secure website filtering capability.

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