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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:06:09 Edit(编辑)
Mainstream CPU chips for next-generation mobile phone analysis

Mainstream CPU chips for next-generation mobile phone analysis

Analytical-mainstream CPU chips for next-generation mobile phone chips, CPU processor, ARM-IT information Mainstream CPU chips for next-generation mobile phone resolution

Mobile CPU market pending another round of the arms race: high pass with his great strength still holds first place in the market, mediatek into now dominated the half, Samsung stick to their red line, Intel sleeping tiger ... ...

World of kungfu, broken, mediatek is believed this truth.

Second half of this year, mediatek will have three CPU available, namely MT6595, MT6752, MT6732.

MTK's position is very clear:

Quad-core MT6732 to the A53 , MT6589 used to replace currently on the market, supports up to 13 million pixel camera and 1080p videos, featured match 720p display.

MT6752 A53 eight nuclear , to replace the current MT6582 on the market, supports up to 16 million pixel camera and 1080p videos, featured match 1080p display.

MT6595 A17 Quad +A7 quad-core , the typical big. LITTLE architecture supports up to 20 million pixel photo 4k video, top can be used with WQXGA displays.

Caveat is that the above three are supporting LTE.

Analysis of MT6732 and MT6752 there is no need to do more, after the official launch, we can see a large number of matching these thousands of CPU machine.

On the MT6595, through this mediatek hoped the chip into the high-end market, rumor LG make eyes on its frequency, while Samsung eyes at once, not to mention a few domestic manufacturers. How is the CPU, xiaobian here broke off broke off.

The CPU is available in two versions, a little high-frequency MT6595 and MT6595m the frequency slightly lower specification is slightly weaker.

Performance, said mediatek MT6595 eight-core open ARM in the official specifications, properties of the A17 and A15 flat, low on power consumption. A17 run performance from another homemade chips can be seen on RK3288. On the GPU, instead of previous series of Mali, and uses PowerVR G6200, performance is not bad, but when the big game may run relatively high calorific value.

As can be seen from the charts, memory, DDR3 933MHz is supported by two, with Qualcomm 808 is the same as maximum bandwidth up to 14.9Gbps, in the case of manufacturers willing to give up the use of materials, and CPU performance can be brought into full play.

In photography, mediatek makes a distinction between, support 1600W pixel MT6595 support MT6595m camera to 2000W pixels, video MT6595 support 4K video recording.

MT6595 and no obvious strengths, but it has no obvious weaknesses. Yes, a brain, all for you:2k screen? Support! 4k video? Support! 4G network? Support! 5GHz WiFi? Support! High megapixel camera? Support! High performance? Refuses to run a minute!

Above all this, not 1999, neither 998, as long as no 50$ and may even lower than 40$, you will be able to get our hands on all. What are you waiting? Picked up the phone and immediately snapped up and order hotline 65958888,65958888, 6595, definitely cool; 6595, soon to become rich!

More noteworthy than parameter and time to market.

There is an idiom called speed, nothing else MT6595 will be at the end of the third quarter delivery, the end of the year we will see an outpouring of MT6595 machines, MT6595 on in this interval, no rivals. Compared with its performance cost too much, cheaper than its performance it's not as good, performance and price are almost hard to develop bigger than itself.

Qualcomm's product would be a Krait architecture curtain call 805, compared with MT6595, running may be comparable, although Qualcomm quad-channel memory, greatly increasing the bandwidth, actual experience will be better. But those who see things, marketing, MT6595 have plenty of gimmicks: an eight-core, which is popular in no limit marketing of Chinese manufacturers.

Although mediatek hopes MT6595 into the high-end, high-throughput of less than 800 have been killed in 2000 priced segment. Apart from a small number of high-end machines, most machines of MT6595 will be at 1000 to 2000 the price battles, even 999 price of MT6595M machine.

MT6595 the future of this scene is a comedy or tragedy?

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