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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:14:18 Edit(编辑)
Didn’t receive the verification code money were turned away: the number of claims in the China Merchants Bank user,

Didn’t receive the verification code money were turned away: the number of claims in the China Merchants Bank user,(没收到验证码钱被转走:多名招商银行用户中招索赔,)



Didn't receive the verification code was turned away: several investment banks claim-in the user bank cards, China Merchants Bank, fraud-IT information

"My status on my phone, computers, fishing sites, such base stations very well, also study for Trojans and viruses. So this kind of thing happen to me, almost unbelievable. "Experienced bank cards being 4, March of 200,000, worked for years as IT now pay architects for a treasure Guo, still do not understand is how could criminals do. Yesterday afternoon, Mr Guo told China Merchants Bank Beijing Branch chaowai 200,001 claimed trial in the Chaoyang Court, banks is naturally think that they have no fault, does not agree to compensate. This time, criminals use NET silver secretly means to transfer the head back to the met, people really scratching their heads.


China Merchants Bank accounts of inexplicable encounters an offsite transfers

Phone number at the same time speak to Nanjing

22:11 on October 20, 2015 to 19 points, Guo has received 4 China Merchants Bank micro-transactions from public reminders, he has been used as a salary card of China Merchant Bank "card" savings account is 4 by people using online banking, and transferred a total of 200,000 yuan-50,000 yuan. And this is China phone Internet banking daily allowed maximum transfer amount.

Transactions to remind the payee name are displayed as "Zhao", a name that looked less like the name. Mr Guo said he does not know what Cho la, did not operate the 4 transfer. Cell phone at his side. According to the transfer of the experience of Mr Guo, launched an online bank transfer application, mobile phones should receive a Bank sends the SMS verification code, enter the verification code to complete transfer deals. Day 4-transfer occurs, his cell phone received a SMS verification code.

Guo initially thought that the banking system may have malfunctioned, he immediately picked up the phone to call 9555 xingke service query, confirmed after the bank card was 200,000 less. In order to keep the rest of the 60,000 yuan, Guo asked banks to freeze the accounts, after which he received phone banks to freeze accounts of SMS alerts. Tongzhou, Guo was then made to the police.

Catch is that Guo mobile call list displayed, his cell phone cards on the same day in 22:09 in Nanjing to produce up to 11 minutes and 31 seconds of calling time just covering 4 time the transfer occurred. But Guo was home in Tongzhou district, Beijing. Therefore, there is reason to suspect, during Mr Guo's cell phone card was controlled and used by people in different places.

In April, the end of CCTV code of Telecom fraud scam. Criminals pretend the victims to subscribe to mobile phone service, unsubscribe replies required validation code, deceived the victims cell phone USIM card verification code. Then use China Mobile's "self card" online service generates a new cell phone SIM card and use this to "hijack" to receive the SMS validation code phone card, ransacked the victim's account. But in this case, the new card once in force, the victim of the old cards will also void cannot be used. According to the truth should be so.

But Mr Guo's situation is not the same. Not only can he use a mobile phone to call the customer service phone, also received the freezing of accounts SMS alerts. However, plays a key role in the transfer confirmation code text messaging seems to be being "cut" away.

In addition, China Merchants Bank online banking log, login IP address is 138 4 transfer operation begins by professional IP address query, displayed as Chongqing.


China Merchants Bank think that revealing personal information of others unless I cannot get

Yesterday, the Bank pointed out, this case is not a counterfeit card transaction dispute involved trading channels for online banking transactions, transactions throughout does not require entity cards.

Bank inquiry system found that the case involved the transfer of remittances through Bank personal banking on the public version of the network platform operations, and had record phone number sent a verification code to your bank. According to the Bank, during the whole transaction process, operators need to enter the card number, social security number, query log on password, additional code, then interface to enter the dynamic SMS verification code, your ATM card PIN before you can complete the transaction. Which belong to the plaintiff's personal information kept by him, if I enter or I leak, third parties could not be obtained.

Judges asked if Mr Guo told the password to others. Mr Guo confirmed that no, "because it is my pay card, passwords don't even know my wife. "This gallery a snicker.

Bank doubts may be Guo in the daily transactions of the Trojan virus, result in personal information being stolen. Mr Guo's mobile phone SIM card was copied, so information leak may also exist, so the Bank is not responsible. But the plaintiffs believe that phone card are copied just a conjecture, a savings contract dispute in the present case, the defendant should prove that money was Mr Guo drawn, or should be considered a defendant's improper, to bear the responsibility. Yesterday, the case was inconclusive.

After visiting

Over time similar methods is similar to the Nanjing victims phone

A day after the incident, Mr Kwok has just transferred a sum of money to this bank card account, ready to give parents buy a house in Yanjiao pension plan goes, Mr Kwok has not told parents that. In order to let parents see, Guo has registered a new Twitter account, will have made a tweet, but received a number of messages. It turns out that Guo was not the only victim.

Last night, our reporter according to Guo's contact, getting in touch with victims of 4 in Beijing, found some similarities and odd places.

4 of them are bank customers, and enrollment is the salary cards. 4, 3 bank cards were fraudulent transfers and Mr Kwok occurred on the same day, focused on the 20th at 7 o'clock that evening, lost 39,300, 50,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively, payee name are "Zhao."

Another Wu is to be at 21st, at 1 o'clock in the morning-4, March to 200,000. Payee name not Zhao La La, but contact with him outside a bank customer's money was transferred to the same account.

What's unpredictable is, as with Mr Guo, 4 phone number during this period were in Nanjing calling records, calls for various periods of time, but people are just covering their own accounts for transfer operations. Did not know such a procedure in the criminal process can play to help or hide? In addition, somebody pass the login IP address displayed is in Chongqing.

4 per capita told reporters, were fraudulent transfers during the phone send to any verification code message was received from the Bank, they are even customized the service account change reminder text message has not been received. Two men are after 2 days with the fraud of pretending to be a bank staff telephone and one found in a timely manner, will not be by someone else into "surplus" account of 50,000 yuan in back in time, no new losses. That Mr Wu is found 200,000 has been turning left, panic God found in accounts nearly more than 90,000 in themselves cannot be transferred out of the case, fooled again, inform each other of the CAPTCHA, resulting in increased loss of nearly 90,000 yuan.

Another two women were discovered by accident, dullest one in 10 days wages received after the recorded message find the account balance is wrong, a check to know being transferred 50,000. At present, 3 out of 4 people have sued China Merchants Bank, and into the proceedings.

Suspicion is a phone issue, Guo is using a Samsung mobile phone, more people are using iPhone. Mr Guo told reporters that he had stolen this bank card is equipped with USB, but the public version of the China Merchants Bank online banking does not need USB transactions. Victim Mr LEE also told reporters that his card also had USB, but China Merchants Bank online banking public Edition without. In his view, this is a very big loophole.

Police say

The "code" message is intercepted in the Trojan virus

Reporter had an interview with the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Corps and network security professional anti-fraud Police Corps. Police believe that the "code" message is intercepted after Trojans and viruses is a very typical performance, Guo and other parties should be in when you didn't know about Trojans and viruses. "The Bank must send a verification code, and the victim must be received, that is to say in this time period, the victim's mobile phone text messaging was blocked, it was like having someone bring you home delivery, but by someone in the elevator with your ID card and cell phone ' collection '. ”

According to the police's judgment, before the Trojans, the party in China Merchants Bank online banking user names, passwords, and other related information, as well as cell phone number must have been leaked, the criminals to complete the transfer, only need to cross the obstacle is the verification code sent by the Bank. They provide those accurate phone number put on the Trojans and viruses, once caught, would Mr Guo and other people involved in the situation.

According to the police of criminal investigation Corps, Trojan horse is divided into a variety, but the more common trojans and viruses messages will be completely blocked, makes the phone owner is not received. "It is through the ' keywords ' to intercept, such as criminals set keyword is usually the ' verification code ', usually text messages with the word, they all go to the cheats there. Mr Guo said he quickly received the account freeze message, this is because of the freeze on message does not contain the ' verification code ' keywords, Trojans and viruses will not be intercepted. ”

Reporter from City Public Security Bureau network Ann Corps understand to, victims face of actually is full a article fraud industry chain, was through purchase or hacker means gets Bank internal information, but and no capacity implementation fraud behavior, these people was called "material main", and real implementation fraud of people, capacity General also will has limit, for example, someone only implementation for a province ICBC customer of fraud, another a people only implementation for somewhere make line customer of fraud, they will in online to "material main" purchase has targeted of information. Thus, a bank customer in some cases collective, which is not surprising.

Best to use USB

Bank try not to keep too much money

According to the police, compared with SMS verification code, using physical separation such as USB, password will be better. But since u shields need to be installed on your computer, mobile phone password and USB device needs to be carried separately, many people in order to facilitate, or is willing to select a validation code.

Contact reporter this morning a number of banks, was told that as mobile payments is now too widespread, if criminals who invaded the victim's cell phone, even if not by way of bank transfer, victims properties can also be transferred out. Such as the use of micro-credit, third party payment platforms such as PayPal, and can be used without the USB, password case will go. Banks not all payments, transfer functions, separate sets a very low limit for the customer's business.

Reporters learned from the Bank, as the public is concerned, if you are concerned about money in the Bank after the Trojans in ourselves without being turned away, then you can not use SMS verification code, and mobile phone use USB. Mobile USB is relatively convenient, and because it is a physical isolation, greater security. Associated with the phone card try not to keep too much money, to meet everyday mobile payments.

没收到验证码钱被转走:多名招商银行用户中招索赔 - 银行卡,招商银行,诈骗 - IT资讯







































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