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published in(发表于) 2016/6/2 8:00:45 Edit(编辑)
New study: Ethiopia satellite has received a distress signal before the aircraft crashed,

New study: Ethiopia satellite has received a distress signal before the aircraft crashed,(最新调查:埃航客机坠毁前卫星曾收到求救信号,)



New survey: Ethiopian Airlines plane crash satellite has received a distress signal before the crash-passenger plane lost-IT information

Egypt and United States authorities recently confirmed that the crash of Eastern Mediterranean Egypt air flight MS804 aircraft disappeared from the radar a few minutes after, the European and United States satellites were captured on board an emergency distress signal.

United Kingdom the guardian on May 31, citing Egypt reported a statement published by the State News Agency website, investigators received reports, "satellite has received any of the aircraft emergency locator transmitter radio signals". The statement said, a finding that helped rescuers narrow RADIUS.

United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials said in a Bloomberg interview Gusen·weierxun, emergency locator transmitter on the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash at 2:36 A.M. local time, automatically send out a radio signal for help. Plane disappeared from the radar of local 2:29 A.M..

Signal is received by 5 satellites and transmitted to a ground station in Cyprus. The satellite earth station to confirm flight MS804 aircraft identity, and the crash site is positioned to a radius of 5 km of the sea.

Said Wilson, United States, Maryland, a ground station from these satellites "two waves", but not enough to locate. Not willing to disclose the names of more than several sources have confirmed to AFP.

Egypt or had received the black box signals

Egypt Ministry of civil aviation said in a statement, 1st, France Navy participation Egypt Airlines flight MS804 of plane wreckage searched a hydrographic vessel "may receive one plane crash black box signals."

The statement said that "the Palace", French hydrographic ships in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Executive plane wreckage Search task, through its receiver detects a signal from the seabed. That signal may be Jet made by one of the black boxes.

Investigators said May 29 that will take at least 12 days to record flight data and cockpit voice recorders. Based on the information currently available, black boxes may be located 40 km around the crash site area, its built-in battery life time is 4 to 5 weeks.

France aviation safety investigation Board published on 26th press release said that to determine the crash of Egypt air flight MS804 aircraft position, Egypt and France scheduled to begin in the next few days in Egypt near the underwater search.

"Do not rule out any possibility"

From Paris to Cairo, Egypt time airline MS804 in Cairo on May 19 in the Eastern Mediterranean over the disappeared from the radar on board, a total of 56 passengers, 3 security officers and 7 crew members. Egypt announced on 20th of the military, search-and-rescue teams in Egypt, 290 kilometers north of Alexandria Bay plane crash some of the debris, the passenger remains and relics.

On the cause of the crash, media and public opinions. Egypt civil aviation Minister xielifu·fatexi said earlier, plane crash may be due to technical failure or terrorist attack. Accident investigation board says, "do not rule out any possibility of the crash", calling for the public and media respect objective facts, and avoid spreading the wrong information.

A forensic official involved in the crash investigation said May 24, judging from the have found remains of passengers aboard has exploded, and likely to crash. The unnamed official said, at present all of the 80 pieces of human remains were sent back to Cairo is very small, "not even with stump, such as arm or head. "The official said:" a reasonable explanation is that the explosion on board, and then fall. ”

However this claim was soon France refutation of the investigators. They say that at this stage there is no evidence to substantiate the plane explosion had occurred. Agence France-Presse quoted sources familiar with the investigation as saying that in the wreckage or human remains yet found any traces of explosives.

Ethiopian Airlines crash two weeks, black boxes still cannot be found

Airbus to "Catapult" flight recorder

Ethiopian Airlines plane crash nearly two weeks after the crash the aircraft some of the debris in the Eastern Mediterranean are found, the black box still cannot be found. Airbus Executive Vice President chaersi·qianpien said on May 31, the crash events highlight research and development "ejection" need in the black box.

Modern airliner's black box is equipped with emergency locator signal emitter emit a radio signal in a plane crash a month, but Ethiopian Airlines plane wreckage was found up to 3000 feet deep, close to the signal transmission distance limit.

"If we have the ejection of the flight data recorder, searching will be easier," Mr Champion told reporters that "we have been studying the technology, the search also highlighted our approach (the need for). ”

"Ejection" black box at the time of the crash from the rear ejection seat automatically and float on the water, and sent a distress signal. In 2009, 2014 MAS 370 flights of the Air France plane crash after crash, investigators called for the installation of the new black box.

The International Civil Aviation Organization also called for 2021 deliveries of new aircraft to achieve important data "rapid" recovery function, but that target is set by the airline and the aircraft manufacturer to determine how to implement, may include the installation of "launch" black box or the introduction of new guidance or data stream.

最新调查:埃航客机坠毁前卫星曾收到求救信号 - 客机,客机失联 - IT资讯























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