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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:26 Edit(编辑)
CCTV will broadcast in 51 8 four-axis aircraft interior 4D flight performances

CCTV will broadcast in 51 8 four-axis aircraft interior 4D flight performances(央视将于五一播出8台四轴飞行器室内4D飞行表演节目,)



CCTV will broadcast in 51 8 four-axis aircraft flying indoor 4D show-drones, four-axis aircraft-IT information

ESPN is currently working with the International Racing Association signed a partnership agreement for unmanned we can see many interesting programs on TV, there are many of these programs were recorded by the drone shooting. For example: third quarter run, brothers, such as film, where is the father. Some stars also tried in concert into drones, a element, such as: rulers of Grammy Awards Muse concert in Arizona in order to participate on the latest album of the Drones, released more than 10 UAVs.

It can be said that drones have greatly enriched the media mode. Of course, in addition to the rich media ways, drones often appear in various programs.

Some time ago ESPN International Racing Association signed a partnership agreement for unmanned, ESPN 3 will broadcast live the drone race related events.

4D flight is to make the drone in the air a wide range of fancy moves, as this flight video below:

Labour day, CCTV will broadcast the indoor flight performed by unmanned aircraft. Intelligent program by 8 by zero PIONEER drones, formation flight, formation flying relative position between the need to control the drones and speed. On the show, this 8 drone unmanned 4D flying effect will be implemented.

If you show interest in this four-axis aircraft interior formations, you can lock the Central TV program schedule is as follows:

On May 1, 2016 (Sunday): integrated channel CCTV1 19:58:05 (Premiere) CCTV3 arts channel 20:55:15 (play)

On May 2, 2016 (Monday): CCTV3 arts channel 12:49:10 (repeat) CCTV7 agriculture channel 07:37:00 (repeat)

On May 4, 2016 (youth): integrated channel CCTV1 13:11:00 (repeat)

央视将于五一播出8台四轴飞行器室内4D飞行表演节目 - 无人机,四轴飞行器 - IT资讯

ESPN 目前与国际无人机竞速协会签订了一次合作协议我们在电视机上能看到许多有意思的节目,这些节目中不乏有许多是由无人机拍摄录制的。比如:第三季《奔跑吧,兄弟》,电影《爸爸去哪儿》等。一些明星也尝试在演唱会上融入无人机这一元素,比如:格莱美大奖的统治者缪斯乐队在亚利桑那的一场演唱会上为了应景自己的最新专辑《Drones》,放飞了十几架无人机。


前段时间 ESPN 与国际无人机竞速协会签订了一次合作协议,ESPN 3 台将会直播无人机竞速的相关赛事。

4D 飞行就是让无人机在空中表演出各种各样的花式动作,如以下这篇飞行视频:

五一劳动节,中央电视台将会播出由无人机表演的室内飞行。节目采用 8 台由零度智控 PIONEER 无人机,进行编队飞行表演,编队飞行需要控制好无人机之间的相对位置和速度。在节目中,这 8 台无人机将实现无人值守 4D 飞行的效果。


2016年5月1日(星期日):CCTV1综合频道 19:58:05(首播)CCTV3综艺频道 20:55:15 (跟播)

2016年5月2日(星期一):CCTV3综艺频道 12:49:10(重播)CCTV7军事农业频道 07:37:00 (重播)

2016年5月4日(青年节):CCTV1综合频道 13:11:00(重播)

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