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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 2:40:23 Edit(编辑)
Samsung can’t do? Not really,

Samsung can’t do? Not really,

Samsung can't do?
Not-Samsung mobile phone, Samsung, Samsung-IT news Samsung can't do? Not necessarily

In recent times, Samsung mobile phones a bit dusty. First second-quarter results aren't very pretty, then researching data said its market share in China are millet over. By contrast, Huawei, millet, Lenovo and other Chinese handset makers are going upwards, at least judging from the shipments index was.

However, if these assertions "Samsung die" or even simply Samsung Smartphone analogies to Nokia, which concluded it would be too simple.

Is based on the data. First, Samsung cell phone's size to throw in a domestic mobile phone a few blocks. To IDC's latest data on the second quarter of 2014, although the quarter of Samsung's global market share fell by about 7%, but global Smartphone shipments reached 74.3 million units, market share is 25.2%, is 2.1 times times Apple 4.7 times of 3.7 times times, Huawei, Lenovo, LG 5.1 times times. Millet and vendors that are not mentioned, because it is not the world's top five, IDC's list have not been separately mentioned.

Second, judging from the profit, is still "sick man of the camel is bigger than a horse". This year's second quarter, Samsung Smartphone Mobile Division achieved an operating profit of 4.42 trillion won (equivalent to 26.6 billion yuan), edge of control at a break-even domestic mobile phone manufacturers, "horse" analogy might still be an exaggeration.

Of course, judging from the trend, with the fast-growing Chinese companies such as Huawei, millet, Samsung's market share, profit margins were flattened challenges faced. It should be noted is that several times the size of the shipments, dozens of times before the scale of profits, even if the leader in the domestic manufacturers to catch up with Samsung, there is still a long way to go.

Moreover, the problems currently facing the Samsung phone, the same will happen in the future for more large-scale domestic manufacturers who. For example, Huawei's strategy is to abandon the ultra low-end phones, take the road of brand and seek brand premium, and sponsored a number of sporting events. Although concrete operating methods vary, but this road is much like Samsung's shadow once the brand premium reaches a certain level, equally inevitably there Samsung mobile phones are popular ridicule the "cost-effective".

For example millet, according to market research firm Canalys data, millet shipments of China's Smartphone market in the second quarter surpassed the Samsung, but it is the winner of the single market, and is the home of millet. Millet to genuine Samsung, is inseparable from global arrangement, this is Remy's dividend, as well as huge challenges, such as localization, human resources, cultures, values, ideas, brands, and more. In addition, millet was founded four years, in the process of internationalization of patent challenge is not an easy topic.

Indeed, Samsung has encountered some problems, but Samsung's traditional advantage in, such as the layout of the entire value chain, globalization, when a v-shaped recovery is unknown.

More remarkable is that, including Samsung of Korea enterprise is the fast response to change can be compared to the situation of the group. Moreover, Korea is a relatively small home market place, where the multinational International has more "skin" feel.

Not just Samsung, Korea, another global mobile LG also should not be underestimated. LG global shipments in the second quarter, up 20%, the G3 mobile phone hardware configuration, product experience spike Samsung S5, became a representative of Korean mobile's flagship.

Judging from the global Smartphone rankings, Samsung, LG and other South Korean cell phones not available in the Smartphone surge to Nokia, Motorola, Sony, as the previous generation of giants as lost to, the core reason is willing to embrace change. This alone, they are a force to be reckoned with.

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